Wednesday 5 April 2017


anyone else feel like they use fuck too much in their day to day vocabulary but there's actually no other word that can accurately express your thoughts/feelings?

Someone who doesn't swear let me know how you live.

wow what an auspicious day its 11 pm and I haven't touched blogger or made a gif THE ENTIRE DAY

Handed in my MMAN Assignment 1 this morning and wow really last minuted that shit... started at 12 and stayed up till 5 am doing it and didn't even finish it. Literally was still doing it when everyone was handing it in in the lecture fuck (Rachel and Cal were helping me but also judging me so hard at the same time HAHAHA)

Running on 4 hours of sleep rn I kinda want to die. HAVEN'T STARTED STUDYING FOR MATHS SERENA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING

Oh my god this really rude boy in my class went too far today FUCK ME I asked him his answers and he was so non-chalantly like "I don't know I don't understand anything" and then I was like "have you copied down what's on the board" and he just laughed like "no I don't get anything" and sniggered at this friend next to him and I was so fucking pissed

well dropped that class like a hot potato so
I'm so disrespected all the time w0w

HAHAHA FIP ALWAYS KEEPING ME UP TO DATE WITH THIS ROONEY MARA/LION CONTENT 10/10 this is what I wanna see in my fb notifications
I am so motherfucking awkward 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year shoot me in the foot

Also me trying to convince people I have friends

Slept the whole way back home on the train but I was sitting between these two people and I'm 100% I kept doing the head lolling thing towards the guy on the right HAHAHA like I'm just imagining him being ultra pissed off that every 5 mins a big ass head came swinging his way. OK I'm going to study till 3 then cry rip 20% UGH MATHS WHY

solid day I left the house which is always good

Idk if I'm supposed to help set up or not Kevin's hasn't really told me.................


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