Sunday 2 April 2017

KO bow // The Discovery


fuck me Federer is in the final of Miami wtf he's literally making a comeback I don't understand?? he should take extended breaks more often. He's vsing nadal tho so :/ whatevs literally he's doing so well this year I'm happy

fuck me promoting for VSA makes me feel so fucking anxious what is fb i never post ever oh lordy lord lord

I'm at Amy's right now and I've gone through so much effort to make a gif because my laptop ran outta batts so I had to download photoshop on hers and the movie wasn't compatible on iMovie and it wasn't rendering on photoshop so I had to upload it online and use an online cutter FUCK ME its been like 2 hours

omg opisthia reblogged me GOODBYE world I die happy now



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA anyone who saw my snapstory would know how tragic Joanne got. I also deleted my year 6 off snapchat because I didn't want him to see it then show his bro who I currently teach HAHAHAHA 

Um yeah went to uni yesterday for 2 hours, studied a bit, went home and did nothing then left for Kobow. First time there and lol so I feel a lot more comfortable with so many of the VSA people now. Moral of the story - I should be drunk all the time.

Andy was the first to get there and I was second and I had a really awkward convo with Karen who's my sister's friend and it was honestly the weirdest fucking thing.

Anyway, sat with Liz and Brenda whilst we were waiting for our table and they are such funny funny funny drunks. 

People slowly started arriving and we ordered food and lots of soju. We downed 2 shots before the food even came HAHAHA rip all the lightweights. I was sitting between Darren and Viv and idk what I was saying but I remember touching Viv's face a lot because her head kept lolling from side to side. Oh my god I'm updating this post as I remember things and I grabbed Viv's neck like "choke me daddy" and people were like "WHO'S YOUR DADDY"

Social anxiety is so real I saw Dalena's watch and it looked like The Horse but I was too scared to ask her until about 6 shots in. 

OMG Selena and I got along really well HAHAHAH that or she's just easy to get along with with everyone idk but she was my bathroom buddy at Sanct and lol we both had the broken bathroom door fall on us.

Kept trying to pinch Andy's nipples??? wtf??

I drank so many random people's drinks at Sanctuary holy shit HAHAH um Lily, one of our execs fled out onto the fire escape and Khang was like to me dead serious, "bring her back" fuck she's hectic. Saw Danni as well I was like 100% gone fuck I don't even know what I said. 

Back to the tragic first years, Viv and Joanne HOLY SHIT. Viv chundered in the middle of the restaurant on the way to the bathroom. Joanne chundered for a solid block along George Street and rolled around in it and also vomited on other people as well. Not just cute little splatters of chunder... actually like projectile running-down-leg kinda vomit on other people. FUCK ME. 

It was nasty and I was like no I ain't touching her BUT OTHER PEOPLE were full carrying her HAHAHA real mvps. During that time I was documenting and taking photos and smoking our state rep's cigarette. I remember Khang telling me to take it into my lungs cus I was being a pussy then I did and started coughing so much #weak

The people working at Gong Cha gave us water and tissues bless their souls.

OMG ALSO we stumbled into Maccas drunk and I ran into Xinong, Yvette and Helen... I don't even remember what we talked about I was that gone. 

Lit night took so many tragic selfies but did nothing that I look back on and cringe at. Had a pretty fucking good time. ye the VSA (I honestly looked so happy in all my snaps last night hahaha give me some of that when I'm sober)

The Discovery (2017)

Dir. Charlie Mcdowell
Overall thoughts: Rooney Mara is a gem and if it wasn't for her this movie would've actually been dogshit. I really liked her character like she was so deadpan and the way she said things I haven't seen done before. I can't really explain what I'm trying to say but her character is just so unique.
Some people have been complaining the dialogue is a bit stale and I mostly agree with that. They tried to make it really profound but I don't like movies that are trying to outsmart you... I felt kinda alienated and on the defense because I could tell they were trying real fucking hard to blow our minds.

Shot selection / editing / combination of those two was sometimes a bit weird but I can't put my finger on why. LOVED THE COLOURS IN THIS THOUGHHHH.

This movie died when they tried to convince us that there was any romantic chemistry between Rooney and Jason. I honestly felt disgust when they started making out on the bunk bed fuck that was gross. Ugh I need to get that image out of my head why like why. I kinda liked their friendship though e.g. the bunk bed scene where they're just talking about life was cute.
"These bunk beds really worked out well 'cause they spared me the awkwardness of having to tell you I'm not gonna fuck you" <-- I know she doesn't fuck him but yo what happened to this Isla?!?!

There's heaps of black humour in this that I loved LIKE THE CORPSE VAN SCENE HOLY SHIT

Riley Keough looks like Drew Barrymore

I just got an ask thanking me for making The Discovery gifs HAHAHA you're welcome :)

Ending was quite bad as well. I saw the plot twist coming from a mile away and it was so rushed and I'm still a tad confused... plus the end is supposed to make you feel really emotional but I didn't because did not buy Rooney x Jason at all.

Soz for the low quality post I just needed to get this out so I can study tomorrow :D


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