Friday 31 March 2017

bottle it up

is gonna get me kicked outta the cinema.


So after my A Ghost Story trailer freak out till 3 am on Tuesday night (I still wanna cry everytime I watch that trailer), I skipped my 9:30 am class because fuck that and rocked up to uni in time for my 12 pm math tute. Learnt a tiny bit, went to ELEC lab, met my fob partner who is also being carried by Jason (like I’m literally being carried by him for EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT). Left ELEC, and then met up with the boy to download solidworks.

Went to Amy’s house then we chilled for so long just playing guitar and singing songs. We tried to learn the stupid Princess and Pauper “I’m just like you, you’re just like me” song and we successfully did ONE of the harmonies rip my tragic singing voice. If you haven’t seen that meme HAHAHAHA its the best.

Then I tutored Kevin, did a tiny bit of work and watched San Junipero (Black Mirror) with Amy.


Woke up really late, met Chris for the first time but when people ask me my opinion of other people I don’t really have one to give. I told them at dinner “I don’t like people” HAHAHAH which isn’t necessarily true but I just don’t know how to KNOW people anymore. My opinion of everyone is neutral.

Rocked up to my MMAN lab half an hour late and the demonstrator just looked at me for 3 seconds, put his arms on his hips and deep sighed disapprovingly. Luckily this NSB guy who also came in late had the same last zID number as me so we just did the experiment together. I HAVE FUCKING 2 LAB REPORTS DUE NEXT WEEK SOMEONE SHOOT ME.

Then met up with Stephen and we did NOTHING for a solid 2 hours whilst we were waiting for Amy then when we found out she wasn’t coming to meet us, we just had lunch at the Whitehouse.

Went to USYD with Stephen to hang with Eugene and the weather was so shit it broke my umbrella?? Look at this thing.
ALSO I feel so awkward when someone’s reading my blog right next to me because I delve way too deep into my psyche and I feel like they’re seeing if what I’m blogging about relates to me IRL LIKE I FEEL LIKE BECAUSE I’M ANALYSING MYSELF THEY CAN ANALYSE ME TOO?? Yah well, Eugene was reading my blog and I was feeling v self conscious for a while but then she laughed so hard at some things that I said that I didn’t even think was funny hehehehe

Did more of nothing at USYD until we left for dinner. Ate hot-pot and yummy fried chicken at a Korean restaurant near Event until we were all stuffed, then went to watch Beauty and the Beast. Our movie tickets were $10 each and I still don’t know why they were that cheap. Can't even see the fucking rose HAHAH


San Junipero (Black Mirror S03E04) 

FUCK this was cute. I’ve been seeing so many gifsets on my tumblr for this and I was not disappointed. It made mi heart hurt. You know what else makes my heart hurt? When the hoe at Gong Cha gives me rainbow jelly instead of lychee but I’m too pussy to go back and compain.

Anyway, WATCH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. Black Mirror is so good (I say after I’ve watched 3 episodes) lmao. The black girl from this was in Beauty and the Beast as the feather duster LOL. Only grip was the black girl’s acting at the beginning. Spoilers: She redeemed herself at the end when she had her spiel about how the white girl didn’t understand what it was like to have a husband / child and all that. I totally believed she was an old lady yelling…but in a really young body.

Also I would totally live in San Junipero if I could. I really like the colours in this!! 
Also there's this one scene where her hair extensions are fucking awful HAHAHA. 

Beauty and the Beast

Dir. Bill Condon
First half was boring as shit I almost fell asleep and I’ve never had that urge in a cinema before. At home, sure because sometimes it’s just way too fucking late and your eyes get tired, but I’ve always been one of those people who are like ‘how can you fall asleep in a theatre? The screen is so bright and the sounds are so BOOM BOOM’. Now I understand.

I completely lost interest with all the wolf drama part like I did not even watch when he saved her after she tried to run away. I literally messaged Canada during that part cus I was trying to stay awake. Turned into one of those annoying cinema go-ers that I hate.

Second half was better. I liked their romance and I honestly didn’t find the fact that I was watching a woman falling in love with a hairy ass animal, at all weird. The beast’s awkwardness was so endearing.

Everyone agreed that the “Tale As Old As Time” ballroom dance was a let-down because Emma Thompson was singing it and she has a really old grandma voice with like a strong English accent which kinda killed the romantic mood. I really like Emma Thompson but I’m just thinking when they screen-tested this, did NO-ONE bring up the fact that it was so GRANDMA-Y. It was still cute though.
Also an unpopular opinion but I did like the Beast's solo song.

Emma Watson

We were 50-50 split on Emma. Feng, Stephen and I agreed that she wasn’t the greatest in this movie (but is she ever good at acting??). She had the same expressions for wonder, horror and surprise and if it wasn’t for the context plot-wise, I would not be able to tell what she was supposed to be feeling. I think back and there is no memorable scene where I thought WOW I’m really empathising with her. The only thing coming to my head is her gasping and looking over her shoulder.

Eugene and Amy were arguably blind-sided by her beauty and FD just really liked everything about this movie??

Also she’s not the best singer so many of the high notes were weak af and had to be bulked up by auto-tune. But that’s just a minor negative which I just kinda just ignored after her first song. Would Emma have gotten the role if she was slightly more average looking? NO HAHHAA. Also I’m sure everyone was thinking “Sound of the Music” when she started singing on those big hills lmao.
I loved the candlestick fuck he was actually the best. ALL THE SERVANTS WERE SO CUTE AND SUCH A NICE FAMILY TOGETHER (spoilers) like I did not give a single fuck when Beast died but I was so sad when the servants turned permanently inanimate.

CGI was pretty good for everything except for the Beast I felt like they could’ve tracked his facial expressions better.

Set design/production/costumes were so good everything was bathed in warm sunshine 95% of the time and looked so niceeeeeeeeeeeee. 

Wow I feel like such a hater. But it was such an average movie…

tbh thats my opinion for almost all movies these days


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