Wednesday 1 March 2017

Uni is so fun!! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !

First day officially back at uni today SEMESTER 1 2017 I'M HERE READY to try the least I possibly can to HD. I only had two 2-hour lectures back to back and I was already dying. I had back pain from sitting up straight for too long. I tried to listen ... I really did. Most was introductory stuff and it was so feckin' boring.

Had MMAN2130 first, sat with Rachel, Cal and Jason T. Our lecturer is pretty good. 2130 is just a major project for the whole sem (we need to design and manufacture a piston zzzzzzzzz) but groups are randomly assigned so I'm wishing for people who will do work for me.
Then went to ELEC1111 with Stephen and Jason and I was bored and hungry and everything was just a mess and the chairs were so uncomfortable I wanted to pass out. I went out to buy sushi halfway through because the lecture was too painful. I'm actually not made for uni / learning. I have no motivation in life.

Literally, I want to be more involved in uni this year and I'm like woop sign up for this, sign up for that LEGGO I'm going to join so many subcomms!!! fun fun fun!!!!!! Nek minnit  I open the application

Tutored the Year 8s today. It was a better lesson I guess. Idk what I'm doing lmao. Went home and watched Jackie. Blogging now. Its 2am and I need to be up at 7:30am what the fuck am I doing....


Jackie (2016)

Dir. Pablo Larrain
Guys...Jackie is actually art you have to watch it. You're probably thinking, how will I sit through a 1 hr 40 minute movie basically following a widow mourning all day long? Well I will give you three reasons:

1. Natalie Portman
This whole movie is basically a walking advertisement for Natalie Portman's acting. I secondhand understand what it feels like to lose a husband now. I feel like she gave so much..................

like yassss fucking act girl ACT

2. Score by Mica Levi
This score was so good that I had to pause it and tell my parents to shut the fuck up because I needed to listen to the music whilst staring at an extremely boring static shot of a house (NO ONE WAS EVEN TALKING). I have never ever done that before. 

Guess what Mica Levi is working on next?
Inevitably me when Vox Lux comes out

3. Weird Camera Things
Took me a bit of getting used to all the weird still centered shots but yo it gave the whole thing a really sombre mood I kinda liked it. Also this was my favourite part of the whole movie: when her wispy black veil flickered in the wind slowly revealing parts of her face. 
yes gimme that funeral aesthetic

Ok I was watching Jackie and the texture of it reminded me so much of Carol and guess what it was filmed on 16 mm film.
what to do with all these useless Carol facts in my brain

*deep sigh*

Yo I don't have time to read about all the conspiracy theories on the assassination of JFK tonight!

Kinda sad that not many people have seen Jackie. It's a hard sell I know.

can someone actually explain my blog stats to me -.---------------- im so done with this idk who's reading my blog anymore....

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