Friday 3 March 2017

birthday surprise celebrations


Went to uni at 9:30 for a 1.5 hr tute………………………………to find out that it wasn’t even on. Apparently it was said in the lecture yesterday…but I wasn’t listening. I knocked on the class door and this guy who looked vaguely familiar from some other classes answered and I was like "hey is this MMAN?" and he was like "its not on today" and I just said "ha ha ok", closed the door and had to take a moment to just reflect on the fact that I travelled 1 and a half hours to uni for absolutely nothing
Met up with Stephen the Lesbian and we went to Amy’s house to chill instead. FINALLY, we watched Ain’t Them Bodies Saints and they both liked it but said it was a little slow which I will agree with. But still I love Ruth and Bob’s relo like they’re so cute even though they’re on screen together for about 10 minutes. I will never get tired of this movie. 3rd time watching and didn’t notice the lens flares until now. If you’re interested - I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be - here’s a cool video about the history of lens flares in cinema. (Vox videos are so QUALITY)
Now on the train back to Carramar because I need to homework help at 6-7 then giving extra tutoring to this girl who missed out on Saturday. Y’all ever heard of a pro bono tutor? That's a tutor that works for free!
Nah but I totally forgot how much pressure they must be under from their parents. Some of them were saying how they would get beat if they didn't make it in. 

I had the best time today at tutoring though. R the little prodigy is so cute. He is so smart, he wears glasses and looks like a cute turtle because he usually has a hoodie on. He's really into Harry Potter but he hadn't seen Fantastic Beasts yet so he bought the screenplay and was reading that instead. We bonded over our love for quokkas and he started spewing all these Asian parent memes. Also randomly he said "I have really low self-esteem"
Inside I was like "bro it can't be as low as mine" but outside I tried to lift his spirits in the most sincere sounding way possible and gave him some life advice from Edge of Seventeen.

I am not qualified to deal with this.

When you have absolutely NOTHING to do the whole night but somehow still end up sleeping late.

Y'all ever love someone so much you just look at them across the room and you love them and you know it, and they love you and you know it and that is just your person in this life?

Yeh no me neither.


Uni was boring. Had a MMAN2400 tute this morning that was pretty much exactly the same as the MMAN1300 tutes last year. 2 hours of boring as fuck calculations.

Met up with Jessica for lunch at pepper lunch (would not recommend the curry pepper lunch for $2 extra). Then bought mizuya green tea ice cream and went home. I immediately collapsed on my bed when I got home and didn't wake up at 3:30 like I was supposed to and instead woke at 4:15...............15 MINUTES BEFORE MY CLASS STARTED. Drove like a madwoman to Jimmys.

Did some more pro-bono tutoring today but literally it was like 1 hour of actual work then 1 hour of just hanging out with my kids, testing them on their French vocab and knowledge of the periodic table and trading jokes. They're in year 6 and learn extra languages like swedish, french and viet for fun. I told them it was my birthday tomorrow and they said "MISS TAKE US TO LASER SKIRMISH!!!" and when we left the classroom they kept shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU all the way down to reception. Sometimes I really like them (((((because they make me feel loved))))) 

Drove home, checked the time and had 6 minutes before my train.

Met up with Amy at Bankstown and her dad drove us back to pham's house then OMG I knocked on their front door when I arrived and it was locked which is so unusual, and the lights were off inside as well. I didn't think anything of it so Amy's dad just rung the doorbell and it took so fucking long for someone to finally start opening the door.

NEK MINNIT I hear Stephen's voice and he opens the door and chucks a giant balloon in my face and says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" and Amy's mum is there too and I'm so shocked and surprised HAHAHA. There was a happy birthday banner put up quite poorly, and Stephen blew up so many balloons. I go inside and Stephen is pointing behind me and I see FD struggling to pop her spring-loaded confetti popper and I'm even more surprised!!!

Then we had Korean hot pot dinner and cake!! 
Stephen was sick so all the balloons he blew up were filled with his diseased breath. We were hitting one of the big balloons around when it hit the ceiling and suddenly burst and FD and I screamed and ran outta the kitchen. 

Amy had the genius idea of dressing up as all my favourite ghost characters and so this is what happened...............
Stephen was so in character he kept relating things back to anal rape
"You would look like this too if you were getting anally raped"
ummmmm yeh I don't even know. Stephen bought me the Carol book!!! He went back on my blog to check if I ever blogged about reading it and I didn't but I actually had read it online before but it doesn't matter because I still love love love the cover of the version he got me and will read it again :)

Now its exactly 3am on the 3/3 and I will make a wish.

Goodnight everyone :D


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