Friday 17 March 2017

You give me purpose

Purpose Tour

The vibe was exactly the same as Believe except this time the stadium was a lot bigger HAHAHHA. He seemed like he was a lil bored and was just going through the actions. I still had a gr8 time though because the music was so good to dance to MARTIN GARRIX WAS PRETTY GOOD (AT LEAST I ENJOYED THE SONGS I KNEW LOL). I think best songs of the night were Life is Worth Living and Let Me Love You.

Also I think I was the most into it out of everyone like I was dancing and singing my soul out. I HATED LOVE YOURSELF though even though its like one of the biggest songs from the album (if not the biggest??). He flipped all the chords around and turned the majors into minors and it sounded so off and weird...where was the guy that always plays the acoustic guitar for him for the live performances???
Here are some photos..
Nice knee Jessica
There was a really pretty pink sunset when Martin Garrix was playing but I didn't take any photos :(

So yes here's the rest of Wednesday and what I did before Purpose

Wednesday (15/3)

It's that time of the semester when the effort lowers to 0%. Why do I wake up for my 9:30 tute-lab when I don't pay attention anyway? We learnt how to extrude and cut shit in solidworks. Then I had a break with Jason and Stephen and I got my first HSP of the sem which was fucking delicious. 

My math tutor picks on people omg I was first on the roll but didn't hear my name so he picked someone else but then I had to get marked off so when I asked "did you say Serena before cus that's me", he replied with "don't worry, you can do the next question".
Was so nervous but my question was super easy so thank buddha. 

Then had first ELEC lab and guess what I'm the best fob magnet in town.....paired up with the only other girl in the room and she had a questionable fobbish looking cap on but no I ignored the warning signs and the moment she opened her mouth I KNEW I HAD MADE A HUGE MISTAKE. She didn't even do her prelab beforehand and copied all my answers?!?!?!

Afterwards, I met up with Jan and we went to Olympic park together, got some gozleme and waited for Feng and Lulu. Someone get Jan a new phone... her shitty Samsung is so shit I feel so much secondhand pain. 

Thursday (16/3)

Same shit again I went to my 9 am tute but didn't even pay attention at all HAHAHA. I just remembered that Canada sent me a video that I could not watch next to strangers and something about Young's Modulus FUCK I'm so behind.

Went to Central with Jason then met up with Feng at UTS library which is so deadly silent compared to UNSW it is kinda creepy. I started watching 10 Cloverfield Lane which I have since finished and will blog about later because I'm too dead. met up with FD for yummy dumpling lunch and RIP OFF BINGSOO O M G

I had my 5 hour class for the first time today at TAFE!!! It was a bunch of fluffly old white men teaching us how to measure stuff properly with rulers, calipers and micrometers. It was kinda fun in a weird way but I need to buy steel capped boots for next week -.-

Met my group for 2130 and they are actually all fobs? I AM THE ONLY NON FOB IN MY WHOLE GROUP but they all seem really nice so whatever (ALSO THEY WERE NO JOKE CONVERSING IN MANDARIN LIKE HELP ME FUCK SHOULD'VE PAID ATTENTION IN CHINESE SCHOOL)

Got home way too late and then half blogged and was about to die so now I'm finishing off...

Also my title is totally irrelevant today (Friday) I feel really nervous because my VSA interview is in like 20 minutes and I'm freaking out even though I was fine 10 minutes ago and I'm frustrated because I can't figure out how to gif on photoshop can someone help. FUCK ME OK INTERVIEW IS SO SOON I HAVE TO REVIEW 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE

10 Cloverfield Lane

Dir. Dan Tratchenberg
This is the "spiritual sequel" to the horror film "Cloverfield" which I haven't even seen so I'm just gonna give you my thoughts on this as a standalone film.

I really enjoyed the first 3/4 of it because it's kinda this really intriguing mystery and you're trying to figure out who's telling the truth and what the actual fuck is going on. There's really funny parts and well HAHAHA (the dinner table scene, the chilling montage with the puzzles and magazines). Then it gets really weird with sci-fi elements. It kinda lost me.

Also I'm mad because we never really found out what was up with fat dude like what were his motivations and stuff?? It was a lil half-baked.

Overall its a good time (better horror than The Witch fuck that movie) HAHAHAHAHHA give it a go. Filmed very well and written by Damien Chazelle like help compare this tonally with La La Land.

tbt to when Mary Elizabeth Winstead was in Sky High ~ WHAT A FILM


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