Tuesday 7 March 2017



idk how I feel... finished with the year 6s today and now I'm like happy but sad because I think I'm going to miss a few of the kids :( I used to literally feel no positive feelings towards any of them until recently and we had such a fun party today and I'm sad but also probably blinded by the fact that some of them are kool and have forgotten how much misery they have put me through over the past year.

I bought Krispy Kremes for them (3 dozen omg) but also gave some to the other tutors hahaha. Their English teacher told them to bring food as well and we had a joint party with the two classes. It got so crazy because this girl really likes grapes so she was running around hogging the grapes but some of the boys stole them and ate them so her friends had to physically restrain her from attacking them. She ended up being dragged on the floor. Kids were hanging off the stair railings, there was a boy waving paper around pretending to be a cheerleader. Jimmy walked through the room to go to the bathroom and was laughing like wtf is this, then he took a detour around the outside of the building to go back to his class, instead of walking back through this chaos. A couple of kids hugged me and I was like 
"ISABELLE THE SAVAGE STRIKES AGAIN" omfg when there's a bug and everyone is pointing and screaming at it, this child calmly kills it with her bare hands.

I'm tired. Is it time to reply to birthday messages on fb yet?

I still haven't quit Jimmy's I should probably say something soon...............

Time goes by so fast. I still remember thinking that Lion premiere was far away...now Song to Song is premiering in like 3 days. Before long, The Discovery will be out on Netflix and Mary Magdalene is going to be getting Oscar buzz like wow


Omg I can't homework help was so fun today. Yesterday Jesslyn was telling me about how she was going to make Pikachu macarons with her aunt/grandma next week and then I jokingly was like omg I want to see that's so cool!!! and then nek minnit she brings three of them today for me and I'm just gobsmacked by how sweet and lovely this child is can someone preserve her forever keep her precious soul intact don't let adolescence destroy her.

kids asked me "if you could be a cartoon character who would you be" and I said "I haven't watched a cartoon in ages" so they asked me "fine then just any character" and I was like "you're too young to know about this but Lisbeth from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and one of them had heard about it before HHAHAHAHAA... i am trash
Did nothing productive at all today except tutor sum kids. I'm still very much in holiday mode.

Hello Oscar Isaac how is it ok to be this talented what the blooming cockleshanks


There is nothing worse than going about your day as usual then suddenly realising you could've had two more Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movies directed by David Fincher but no Sony just had to fuck it all up. I've seen it 4 times now and every fucking time when the credits start rolling the same feelings of despair/depression/misery hit me like a truck. This is a gross injustice that David Fincher and the team that made TGWTDT have been subjected to. Fuck big corporations. I WOULD'VE SPENT MONEY TO SEE THE SECOND ONE YOU SHITS.

This is what I'm passionate about.........therefore will achieve nothing in life.

Winter's Bone

Dir. Debra Granik
I knew this movie as the one that Jennifer Lawrence was nominated for lots of awards for. I so wanted to care. I really did.

I was so bored and zoned out a lot so in the end when it started getting good I didn't understand what was going on at all... I just liked the banjo music. Oh and the acting. The main cast were all good. 

Ok this was nominated for Best Picture what the fuck was I missing HAHAHAHH I'M READING THE SYNOPSIS ON WIKIPEDIA TURNS OUT I WAS MISSING A LOT (meth labs were involved???? THERE ARE DRUG-RELATED CRIME SYNDICATES IN THE COUNTRY??) WTF
I feel so much more emotion just reading about it. I'm actually so dumb sometimes.

Me to me everytime I get the urge to watch Carol again


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