Tuesday 15 March 2016

addicted to chiropractic adjustment videos

lol actually going to fail uni because of this.
I went on a YT spree for this channel a while ago but just got back into it lol so cool. This has to be the best one.
i got 8.67/10 for the physics quiz and the weird thing is i don't even care.

so tired so disfunctional bye i want to do so many things but there is no time.

Want to go MATSOC camp but can't because Jimmys and idk I mean I could ask for a weekend off but like I'd have to prepare the work anyway which would take a bajillion years so its really not worth it.

btw spent a total of 3 hours marking my year 5s homework. I have two classes and the total class time is equal to 3 hours anyway?? I havent even prepped work for this week so literally working more than an hour at home for every hour I actually work at jimmys.


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