Tuesday 1 March 2016


I have forgotten what it feels like to learn. Literally the whole concept of trying to remember things that you did not know before is so difficult. I think it’s because I haven’t learnt anything new in so long. Holidays were 4 months, but ages before that (like early Term 3) we were just revising not LEARNING.

That feeling where you’re sitting in class trying to understand what the lecturer is saying but failing is so sad. I hate it omg. I’ve been so used to understanding everything that now I don’t want to learn new things. It’s so difficult.

Anywayyyyyyyy I don’t think I blogged about first day of uni.

I don’t even remember what happened it was just pretty exciting figuring out where to go and stuff.
Today was second day. I’m already starting to hate it. All the lectures are so boring except for maybe maths. My physics lecturer though very enthusiastic goes WAY too fast (at least for me) and my chemistry lecturer is a little subdued and we’re learning about fucking barometers like ew.

For ENGG1000 I chose to do RoboRescue which was the computer science one. Anna was like wtf why didn’t you do civil its easy marks. I didn’t even think about it. Now I’m fucked because idk any coding and you have to program a robot to dodge obstacles and pick up stuff??? RIP let me just dig my grave now.  Whatever if I learn to coding now I won’t have to be lost in COMP next sem.

Joined up for many societies but already not going to them. Like joined badminton but ceebs going today because tutoring Kevin.

Accidentally bought three green-tea mango smoothies today oops.

Also the ham and cheese sandwich from that coffee shop inside central on the woollies side is pretty good. 


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