Saturday 19 March 2016


What up guys another sad post about my life coming up

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo finally got the courage to ask my boss if I could drop a class lol. She was fine with it cus I told her I was going crazy. I am legitimately going crazy. Actually. Crazy.

Everytime I come home from tutoring I feel so sad and like I don't want to do any work because I'm so tired and pissed off from yelling over people for 5 hours.

Also Manly and Maria's wedding was so fun yesterday. Lo and I got real drunk we went outside and tried to walk in a straight line and some white guy I didn't know ended up piggybacking me and I was totally cool with it to the horror of my aunties and uncles. We also compulsively slapped Manly's ass for 2 minutes. I mean thats what happens when they give us unlimited white + red wine, beers, and a bottle of Henessey per table. (PLUS THEY KEPT TOPPING UP THE COKE SO YAY).

fallen down the youtube hole of cognac reviews?

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