Sunday 13 March 2016

I get a little bit Genghis Khan

This is possibly the greatest music video ever??
Its Dr. Evil vs James Bond then fuck it lets be husbands. Music videos with storylines are the best. Also awesome song...

so progress at Jimmys

so far im managing...I prep work like 2 days before my lessons lmao. my favourite class is my 9B cus they are like talkative but not rude? and there are a few funny ones in there. they are also really smart.

doing 3 hour lessons for the 4u kids rn its way too long I want to die.

This girl in 9C was doing her rubik's cube again in class and I wasn't dominating enough this week so I just kinda let her do it. I asked her how long it takes her to finish and she was like around 2 minutes and inside my head I was like:
I take 30s.


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