Tuesday 29 March 2016


going to fail uni bc gordon ramsay videos. He reminds me so much of my me oi boss omg. Like one sec he's nice and shit nek minnit he destroys you. He's so fucking funny though

Went off to find a gordon ramsay video to link on this blog and ended up getting sidetracked for another half an hour watching his interviews halp
Still being spied on at Jimmys like omg please
Like um no i don't want you to watch one of my classes but I can't exactly say that yenno

Also that feel when ur farts smell like all the milky stuff thats been messing with ur intestines the whole day.

did some work for Kevin today... and tried to do physics homework but failed miserably because I have no fucking clue what is going on. I think I should attend the other guy's lectures cus he goes a lot slower and like more by the book kinda way.

It has just dawned on me that I have a non existent uni social life. like none at all. Going out with train group tomorrow but I kinda want to watch Batman v Superman despite the reviews lol but they don't want to so w/e.

NVM just as I was blogging Fi calls Anna and Anna's like omg i wanna watch batman so now we're watching batman.


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