Friday 1 April 2016

Batman v Superman + Amy's sleepover but you shouldn't be surprised anymore.

Went to watch BvS with train group (Fi, Rhonda, Tammy, Anna, Christine).

We met up on the train cus yenno we used to all live on the same train line (BEFORE CARRAMAR-SEFTON GOT FUCKING SHITTED OUT FROM THE INNER WEST LINE)

Went to Charlie & Co for lunch. Their double cheese and bacon burger was so meh. Like seriously so meh. They put way too much mustard, the bacon wasn't crispy, meat was chewy. Just sad. Looked nice tho...

Their normal chips were yummy but the sweet potato ones were undercooked :(

Anyway then we went to Broadway and bought boosts, then watched the movie.

I went into the movie fully like open minded. I had watched/read a few reviews by critics and EVERYONE was shitting on it. Like everyone. Legit I had not read one positive review by a critic. Except I had read some news articles saying that it did really well at the box office and the comments underneath those articles (by normal everyday people) said that "ohhh the critics say its really shit but I enjoyed it", "don't listen to them blah blah go and see it I LOVED IT!", "form your own opinion!"

sO I was totally pumped like YASSSSSSSSSSSS its going to be good because most normal people say its good!!

But no. It was just disappointing. And very lukewarm. Like a solid 5/10. The moment Jesse Eisenberg appeared I was like no. just put your snot back in your nose where it belongs. Seriously wtf was that last scene though.

Ben Affleck was cool as Batman. But there were so many moments were I was just sitting in my chair, watching the movie being like WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS?? Like for example:

It wasn't even Batman vs Superman. It was Batman being a little bitch throwing his lil tantrum at Superman. Like omg can he not understand that even though Superman ACCIDENTALLY killed a couple of people he saved the whole world???????????? Please let me know if you have a diff opinion on that because that's how I see it. They didn't build up his motives enough. It just seems so unreasonable.

Also wouldn't have been easier for Superman just to be like "hey Batman Lex has got my mum so can we like go bash him together" instead of the stupid dramatic reveal to Batman like SUPERMAN HAS A MUM CLOSE UP SHOT SLOWLY DROPS SPEAR?!?!?!

Batman looked like a lil squeaky toy next to superman. Tbh he's so out of their league?? Superman + wonderwoman actually have powers but Batmans so weak. #notabatmanfan

Gotta admit though, seeing flash and aquaman, that was so cool.

 tHEN went to Amys for a 3 hour tutoring session with Kevin yasssssss fun fun fun. He got full marks for his chem quiz but the schools like nah it doesnt count anymore cus too many people cheated.

His mother made souffles yummmy
Amy changes her sheets like twice a week does anyone else do that? CUS THATS CRAZY TO ME.
Spent like 4 hours marking my year nine's exams and getting real depressed because they were getting so many wrong. Then spent another few hours making equation examples fo them. Spent 2 hours marking year 5 homework (those delinquents). Now dying because I haven't done any uni work and I have to still make worksheets for year 9s and I have a calculus exam on Monday and I've done like half the homework and nothing makes sense and everything just sucks. And also I'm wasting my time blogging so theres that.

Also did I mention I can't go optom cruise because I have my 4u class and I forgot to ask them to reschedule and everything is just a mess. WTf is with people liking when I'm interested in going to things like seriously IS IT REALLY NECESSARY LOL (talking to you, year 2 teacher)


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