Tuesday 19 April 2016

Teaching + Bojangling Sem 2

So I was wondering...do students succeed because of their own intelligence or because of their teacher? Or is it how hardworking they are? Or is it a weird mixture of all of them?

I've been marking the Year 5 exams for the past two days and for some reason the mark range in the 5B is way wider than the mark range of 5A.

In 5A most are floating around the 70-85 mark with a few exceptions but no one has gotten higher than 88.

In 5B I don't even have a range because like some kids getting 50 but I have three students already getting 90+ (BLESS THEIR SOULS). But seriously the three that got 90+, are they more intelligent than the kids in the 5A class or are they more hardworking? Because they have the same teacher?!?!

The thing is, as a year 5 kid you can't exactly be hardworking because who even studies in year 5. But the students who got 90+ consistently did their homework each week, but so did the students who got 80+. So what makes someone do well?

The answer is...I need to find that one class' lost homework literally asdfakdnv

Also we have a weekly waffle thing going on now where our maths group (idk if I can call it that) go and get make some free waffles outside MCIC. We do dat tmr.

Missed out on free viet coffee today from VSA because I was lower campus and they were outside library. How sad.

Saw Cath Guo eating by herself at Quad Food Court so went to join her to find out she was waiting for her bf and then I was like
But he was nice and lol it wasn't too bad in the end. Ran up to upper campus eventually to get two $5 gym junkie boosts, one for Stephen then went to maths where we all said we were going to listen and ended up bjoangling our timetables. I left early lol bcus ceebs calculus. This is what my next sem looks like atm
two 9am starts (death) but otherwise it's not terrible. I would prefer finishing earlier with less breaks but what can ya do. My Friday is so spaced out ugh...and not sure how 3 hours of COMP1917 on Monday is going to go.


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