Friday 8 April 2016

last night

IT WAS CLEARLY AMY who was typing last night.
shoutout to feng and Fd who know I wouldn't say something as preposterous as that.

Also so many of Amy's friends today have been like OMG YOU'RE THE GIRL IN THE SNAPCHAT and I was like omfg bye while i die of embarrassment. "HOW DO YOU SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE MARIA" (waiting a couple more minutes before 24 hours is up and it gets deleted off snapchat)

Ummmmmmm went tennis with Shaz and Jason? yesterday. It was kinda sad and depressing cus Jason's elbow started hurting like shit so we stopped playing lol.

Went to watch Kung Fu Panda 3 with Amy, Jake and Andrew today IT WAS SUCH A GOOD TIME LOL. We played pool and ate lots of food beforehand (mappen, hjs). I SPENT OVER $20 ON JUST FOOD TODAY RIP. Serious tho if you don't know what movie to watch in cinemas watch KF3!! MEI MEIIII. The animation was fucking awesome (I think Kung Fu PAnda has like my favourite animation style ever esp with the fight scenes ). ITS OVERWHELMING LIKE YOUR EYES AND EARS WILL BE BLOWN OUTTA THE WATER.

aLSO the gif yesterday didn't work so posting it up again. Our robot is the smaller one (AND THE BEST ONE)
Gotta go prep tutoring work for tomorrow 9:30am class because I'm so organised. FEELING GOOD THOUGH the tutor kids are almost on holiday. Game of thrones is also coming out in a couple of weeks.
Don't know if I should be censoring some of the stuff I say because I'm a responsible adult now and I just googled my name and this is the first thing that pops up

and also fuck y'all who have no idea what I was singing in the snapchat because they haven't watched sound of music


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