Tuesday 19 April 2016

Miss Atomic Bomb

One milk tea, one milo milkshake, one mango magic and one coffee later
Making out we got the radio on. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone.

Did nothing today. A quick prac on equilibrium (was quite fun actually), had Mamaks Village by myself, went engo lecture, hung out with engo group (played pool at roundhouse), started going to phys lecture again, stayed back after uni to do Maple tests with Phuc's group they so friendly, met Andy and Niina today :)

Still farting lots.

Made dinner for the first time since parents left lol. Had about 15 mins before train came so ducked down to woolies to grab some garlic, doritos and salsa. Made potato mash, stir fried some brocolli, marinated and fried a pork chop and fried an egg. Fried is the incorrect term. I microwaved it. Why? Because the pan I fried the pork chop in was dirty and I didn't want to rewash it. Also I only used 1 potato for the potato mash so I was like why do I need to use a pot to boil it in, I'll just use.........the microwave. MINIMISED THE EFFORT FOR EVERYTHING LOL and had less dishes to wash yassssssssssss


Also I lost one class' homework lmao totes pulling a Ms Ma rn.


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