Tuesday 5 April 2016

tbt to year 12 days

lol my 4u kids have their half yearlies tomorrow omg they are like frantically sending me questions to do seriously reminds me so much of when I was in year 12 and like dying bein like why do none of these questions make sense

DOES ANYONE RMBR THAT Q THAT WAS LIKE if 2 is a root and b=0, prove that d is even?? lmao what struggles.

Going to start graphing with them which is fun!!

Also I need to go out more. Like I keep regretting not going out. Today CSE kids had laser tag/bowling and I was like nah I have too much work to do but now I'm like blogging so I might as well have gone.

I did some maple quiz today but the actual Maple TA tests I can't do because the virtual desktop shit aint working on my laptop. Going to go to my first 9am lecture on Wednesday I think. I'll probs pussy out and go to the 12pm one tbh.

Feeling a bit more optimistic these days. the 5B class is still making me depressed but everything else is cool.

Omg saw Cath Guo and her bf today and they're pretty cute together lel. Also coupl


brb gotta pretend I know what I'm doing.


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