Sunday 24 April 2016

talk to me baby

I think I should go back to year 7 cus I'm such a twelvie.

Game Of Thrones first ep airs in the US tomorrow at 11 am Sydney time so should be available for download in the afternoon. Anyone up to watch it together? Also so many ppl hating on how Game of Thrones is such a shitty show now but tbh I just watch it for da fights and da juicy goss so i dont rly care. CAN'T WAIT FOR TOWER OF JOY FLASHBACK YASSSSSS NED STARK YASSSSSSSS

most excited for Jon & Arya's stories. Time to kick some ass gurl
Also not sure how I'm going to ask my parents to go Toga Party...they were pretty unhappy with me sleeping over after VSA LOL. Then gotta ask them if I can go CEUS cruise on the 13th shit

Time travelling back to Grey's Anatomy days. I miss having a show that would make me feel so sad and happy and like I was so invested in their relationships but now I look back and its kind of stupid. I mean they are fictional characters. Maybe I've just moved on but still I will always have a special place in my heart for Grey's Anatomy. Maybe when I'm old and frail I will rewatch it. How weird would it be tho all the actors would probs be dead already. Everyones getting so damn old.

A Bitter Song - Butterfly Boucher
Falling Awake - Gary Jules
Keep Breathing - Ingrid Michaelson
In My Veins - Andrew Belle
The Story - Brandi Carlile

Phase 1 results vs Phase 2 results. I knew I fucked up the assessment section LOL. ONE OF THE MARKERS GAVE ME 100% FOR MY PHASE 2 THO WOOOOOH

Tbh uni is not even that hard its just Jimmy just stresses me out. I feel pretty on top of shit for uni. Like maths is not actually that hard its just 4u stuff rn, chem is pretty easy once you get it, ENGG1000 i may or may not fail but yolo.

the only really bad thing is physics

literally what is happening.

aLSO why is everyone trying so hard for uni cus I feel like people are trying to do really well but i just want to do as well as I can without stressing. Idk.

Omg I forgot to blog about this epic social awkwardness fail I had in my maths lecture that Michelle witnessed HAHAHA SHE CAN TESTIFY TO HOW AWKWARD IT WAS.

Just to give you some context, I used to sit next to these two guys at Peak physics because all my SGHS physics peeps left me (I'm pretty sure I've complained about this before) and coincidentally in the same day at uni I bump into both of them but at separate times. So I bump into the first one in the morning and like he's really talkative so its fine. Then later in the day at my maths lecture I spot the other guy and I'm like holy shit should I say hi?? And hes rapidly walking towards Michelle and I so I'm just like fuck it I'll say hi. But this guy is like equally as shy as me so this is how our conversation went:

Him: "OH HI!"
Him: "GOOD"
*both smile for about 1 whole second*
*me sensing I have run out of things to say*
*both looking at each other like wut*
Me: "ok........BYE"
Him: "bye"
*he awkwardly backs away not sure what to say or do*

THEN ME AND MICHELLE LOOK AT EACH OTHER AND START LAUGHING CUS SHES LIKE OMG HHAHAH AHAHAH WTF WAS THAT and I'm like crying cus literally one of the most awkward encounters I have ever had.

This is why I don't get invited to things


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