Saturday 23 April 2016

Last night was a mess

I think I should stop drinking
Called Amy and cried for an hour when I got home because why not. I wanted to become a serial killer.
I'd like to acknowledge a couple of people: Connie for talking to me for 52 minutes while I was on the train (literally shortest train ride ever it felt like 5 minutes and shit I may have said some things I shouldn't have but its ok you dished out the goss too xoxoxo LIKE we are united by mutual hate), FD for taking the train with me to Sydenham, Janet for asking if I was ok when I called her, and Yuan for walking me home from the station at 12. I dont think he knew I was drunk cus I'm a master at acting sober.

Last night was the first night where I was sad when I was drunk but w/e it was an experience and tbh I'm way less censored when I'm drunk so I just say shit that I think and everything is usually better like that. 

Have to start some assignments lol bye

aLSO iM BECOMING SUCH A PROFICIENT DRIVER I had my driving lesson at 10 (like 10 hours after I drank but I'm pretty sure I had less than 10 standard drinks so I was probably sober) but I DIDN'T EVEN STUFF UP TODAY. Like I stuffed up once but no one died so its ok.

I finished my lesson at another girl's house who had her lesson directly after mine. She only had like a few lesson previously so she was sooooooooooooooooo nooby and I was like wow I've actually improved so much.

Going to book my Ps test very very soon!! 

I can't perpendicular park??? Which is the easier one isnt it? idk


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