Friday 11 November 2016

Dead Sea

My tutor kid added me on snapchat
Nah just kidding she is cool.
When you are nobody's dead sea because everyone sinks when they're with me.

I had a real weird dream I was back at tutoring but my teacher was the super intimidating co-worker at Jimmy's.... I loved being in her class though omfg she was so kind and I think Tammy and some students I teach now were in my class as well? I woke up and said to Amy "I miss tutoring". She said "we get it you peaked in high school"

Legit though tutoring was so fun like seeing your friends outside of school and stuff :( I miss my Jimmy friends as well. idk if I can still call them my friends because haven't spoken to them in ages but jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

My cousin just came back from Spain she's such a free spirit omfg. She went to Spain for a month because it was her lifelong dream to actually immerse herself and learn the language. Nek minnit she comes back and can speak pretty fluent Spanish O_O


Went Hursy and met up with FD to eat some Manmaruya. Just bought some bentos :) Teriyaki beef is so yum.
Then went to Priceline because 40% off and FD needed to start learning how to makeup and we were basically two noobs in priceline like wtf do we even buy. Luckily there were two ladies working there that were really nice and helped FD out. One of them seemed a lil bitchy like condescending but the other one was super nice. 

Hauled her makeup haul to Hurstville Library where I prepped work for my tutor kid who's going overseas. Then we parted ways and I left for Amy's house.

Her mum picked me up and we had a super strange convo about a sensitive topic in the car and lel asian parents are so damn narrow minded please but I guess its how they grew up and they will only learn if they are exposed to stuff more can't blame them but still wtf

Tutored Kevin straight after he came home from school he was so so so tired and he was basically falling asleep as I talked to him. Idk I feel like if I had a private tutor I would feel so grateful (compared to public tutor) because you can actually ask them if you don't understand and they can help you specific areas and stuff but not Kevin is just sometimes very very very UGHGHGHGHG like why you gotta be like this???

Then Amy came home, I studied a little then I was bored so we decided to water marble our nails yeh idk how that happened. Also we started watching "The Crown" which is this new British Netflix series centred around the time when Queen Elizabeth's dad was dying and she was going to become Queen. Its ok so far after 1.5 eps. Looked gross in the water, looked worse on my hand. I posted the peelies on my snapchat and we have enough peel porn to make a full length video
Woke up late today lel went to Charlie Lovett to study it was quite unproductive. Amy and her doge.
Got some dranks (rumour has it, Serena only owns 1 t-shirt). this fucking coffee is making my farts smell like absolute shit ugh im squirming rn typing this because my stomach hurts so much brb gonna go diarrhoea
 and rolls. The old school bacon and egg roll is really good but ew egg yolk why. There were some other UNSW kids sitting next to us studying I could see her watching Echo 360. 
I am absolutely FUCKED for my BIOM exam tomorrow. It is past 2:30 am rn and I still haven't caught up on my lectures. IM STILL MAKING NOTES I HAVENT EVEN STARTED STUDYING THEM YET HAHAHAHAHAHA MY EXAM IS IN LESS THAN 12 HOURS



Thoughts on election even though I am usually thoughtless on these things but who cares I'm just another semi-angry person who says they know nothing about politics and yet is commenting on the election 

ok this is too much self-deprecation

So sad for Hillary Clinton if I was her I would literally just go home and cry... its like she tried so fucking hard can you just imagine being scrutinised by everyone and still failing ugh

Also the whole world telling you you're defs going to be president and then it doesn't work out rip. Its like everyone saying you're going to come first in a test and you don't but 1000000000000x worse because its broadcast to the whole world

Actually I wouldn't just go home and cry I think I would seriously consider just ending it all how can someone come back from that

I checked the election news last night 3 mins after Trump won Pennsylvania and I was in shock. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most politically informed I'm a solid 3. I get why people voted for Trump (he seems 1000x realer than Hillary Clinton with her weird smiling all the time) but seriously he has no realistic plans or policies. I don't think Hillary Clinton is the most charismatic person and the only time I liked her was during her concession speech but come on compared to Donald Trump??!?!?! Also wtf him being elected president is already making people think its acceptable to express their pent up racism.

Had to check I hadn't named a past blog post Dead Sea before it was one of my favourite songs back when amy was 16