Tuesday 1 November 2016


I've been thinking lots of thoughts recently but just going to pretend the problems are not there.

I'm digging the new Walking Dead season but always so sad when the episode is not centred on Rick's storyline. I WANT TO SEE MORE NEGAN!! Walking dead is always so repetitive but I love it.

Amy's watching newborn rabbit videos on my Youtube account because her bunnies gave birth recently and there are so many things that can go wrong. Apparently the mother eats her children when she thinks they won't survive.
These are her bunnies:
The darkest one is named after me because I'm black.
I think I'm a very self-centred and inconsiderate person sometimes and I feel sorry for the people around me but at the same time I wouldn't want it any other way.

YAY the 8A class are moving onto Jimmy soon so that means I'll have one less class! love love love, everybody clap clap clap 

Feng and I met up with Lulu yesterday cus she was studying at Cabra lib which looks very diff now btw. All the tables upstairs are no longer there?? And the reception desk is gone as well. Who knows. Saw Mary at lib. 
Walked past Laura Bui and her bf who I will pretend don't exist unless I'm drunk because no there is just too many things that could go wrong.

Went to John Belvedere for lunch miam miam then "studied". Feng was going to blog yesterday but she had nothing to write about. Went to dinner at Ga Hoi for some pho which was pretty mediocre but w/e it was cheap so will not complain. 

Sorry my life is getting so boring. 

I had a "Mr Hartley COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" moment today in tutoring. I gave them a challenge question and they were all so stressed out about it then this one kid thought he got the answer so he was like "MISS COME ERE" and I burst out laughing it was so funny omg

SIDE NOTE none of them were smart enough to get it unfortunately.

I spent a grand total of 5 hours prepping for my 1.5 hour class today. 2 hours to mark homework, 2 hours to make a half an hour test and 1 hr to prep class work for the remaining class time. Tutoring is a hard life yo. So 5+1.5 = 6.5 hrs worked for $45 do da math I basically got paid slave labour rates today.

Now I have to keep studying for my math test this Friday which rn I'm pretty fucked for lol.

Why is this going so viral compared to her other vids?
Today is Tuesday.
It is my day, it is your day.
Fiji water may be complete bullshit.
Like how I'm full of shit.
But only figuratively because I just pooped.
Let's commit murder of the mind,
Don't turn around, I'm right behind...you.

See y'all later bye!


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