Saturday 5 November 2016

leave me alone

I have been kind of a shit blogger recently sorry.

You know its a good nap when you wake up thinking its the next day.


Went to Amy's house in the morning to study / teach Kevin. 

Same same every week. We didn't study THAT much that night like I only did 1 past paper. I'm starting to make a scare compilation of Amy because shes so easy to scare like I just say boo and she screams


But the next day we continuously worked for so long!! Completed 3 past papers before I went home and in every single one of them there were questions where I had no clue where to start ...

Then continued to do past papers at home and finished them all by 1. This sem's math prep has been so much better than last sem's. I remember I lost all hope the night before MATH1141 last sem because the questions were so bloody hard and I just could not deal. 

no ragrats for dropping down to 1231 this sem :) 


exam was easier than expected. There were no wtf questions. AFter doing all those past papers I still didn't know what an image and it was in the exam so I probs lost a mark there. oh wells. 

Now math is over I have all my hard exams left fml. 

omg Feng and I just found out we have a student in common LMAO. She kept saying there was this one girl she taught from Cabra and she finally found her last name today and guess what its Kylie K WHO WAS IN MY 9C CLASS LMAO she was really smart and hardworking. She also got an A in her violin exam so yay!! 

She's taught by Jimmy now but still WHAT A SMALL WORLD tbt to that annoying af Disneyland ride. I want to go back to Disneyland tho for the rollercoasters.

Anyway, going to spend the weekend prepping tutoring work for next week since I'm taking a week off for finals. Still need to prep everything tho :( 

omg i clicked on a brave wilderness video less than a minute after it was posted what a record. 


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