Tuesday 8 November 2016

I love my 8A class

This is the first time I have actually been happy since I started tutoring this year
Send help Serina's being positive for once. Also she hasn't talked about tutoring enough this year please keep going
For once I feel a sense of fulfillment like I'm actually making a difference to these kids' educations and not just wasting my time talking to human walls.

The year 8A class as a whole is just fucking amazing like every single one of them are so hardworking and attentive and volunteer to answer when I ask them questions :) They are all so smart as well. They are all so concerned about their education why can't more people be like this.

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for this class' existence and how the buddhas have allowed me to teach them every single one of them are so sweet I cannot.

But good luck does not last long for me cus Jimmy is going to take over some of the kids soon as they move onto year 9. Sadness. I gave them a survey to see if they could make it to the Friday timeslot that Jimmy wants to take them in and I got 50% yes and 50% no, then one of the boys asked me if he could talk to me about something after class and he told me that some of them were saying no because they didn't want to go on Friday, not because they actually couldn't make it and I was just blown away by how kind he was for telling me that. I FUCKING LOVE THEM

and I even don't mind marking their homework because when I tell them to fix it they actually do and I can see their improvement and it makes me feel so happy.
Going to describe some of my students to you and also for me so I can remember this class later on wit code names. Why do I bother this blog is the most unprofessional thing ever. Look when you google my name the first thing that comes up is this blog with "fucking" in the 1st line what if any of my students google me lmao
Sarah - I disliked her at first because she seemed so ceebs but she's actually really funny and tries her best to understand everything going on in class

Katie & Jessica - I still get them confused I am so sorry but their names are like so common but both are incredibly smart. I use the same strategy as I do with the twins, call one of their names and look in the middle of them

Alice - she joined Jimmy's 9B class because shes just smart like that but she's still in the 8A class cus she needs to learn all the stuff she missed out. SO SO SO HARDWORKING she was away for one whole topic and asked if I could send her the notes, HW and test for that topic.

Paul - the only non-asian in the class so obviously I learnt his name first. He's probably the most talkative and inquisitive one out of all of them, he's not afraid to ask questions. He's going to on holidays soon and asked me to send him work so he could do it then :')

Roy - Roy and Paul are besties. Roy also asks many questions and has very voluminous hair.

Kevin - not very talkative but knows his stuff.

Nick - Nick is so cute omfg he looks like George from Stewart Little but darker skin version. He did so well in his test so proud

Angel - Silent but deadly ... smart

Kenneth - wow verging on being so unprofessional rn but receptionist told me something about his mum and its just so sad. HE IS SUCH A KIND KIND BOY OMG I CANT

Serena - I already told y'all she's my sister's friend's little sister with the same name as me so like we basically complete a square. So shy but so smart and kind.

(I think you get it all of them are smart and kind)

Kim - Silent but deadly round 2

Diamond - lmao on her homework book she writes down "please give me a sticker" VERY INQUISITIVE AND SMART

Darryl - like Nick he is so memorable because hes a cute lil boy HAHAHAH and his homework book is this tiny thing with cartoons at the front I can't even

Mark - OMG MARK WHERE DO I EVEN START. MARK IS THE BOMB HANDS DOWN FUNNIEST DUDE EVER. he got 100% for his test (bless his soul), writes "like a girl" literally no joke the neatest guy handwriting and workbook I have ever seen in my life and makes my life just so so so easy. He was the one that said "COME ERE MISS" last week fucking can't

Earl - he's new to Jimmy and slowly learning da ropes lol he's real sweet kid tho when he was doing the challenge question he was so frustrated he got it wrong because of his silly mistake and I felt so bad for him

Lucas - THE ONLY ONE I DON'T LIKE he gets his phone out and plays games on it when he's finished his work BUT I CAN'T TELL HIM OFF BECAUSE HE'S SO SMART AND FINISHES IT EARLIER THAN ALL THE OTHER KIDS LOL. So even though he's not that kind he is smart so I guess that makes up for it????????

Anyway that summary is more for me than for you because I need to keep this happy memory alive.

Meanwhile my voice hurts after every single year 5 cus so much of it is spent shouting over the delinquents talking at the back. Sometimes I wish I could just be like
Some random thoughts:

Been tutoring so much when I was trying to talk to my dad but my Auntie and mum were having a loud convo I shushed them

playing fucking tetris battle waht is wrong with mE GONNA REGRET THIS SO MUCH LATER can you just promote me to like lvl 70 please why do I need to go through thiS

New Yu-Gi-Oh Addiction

playing yu gi oh on my phone holy shit this is so fun childhood goals fulfilled this is so much better than playing with the real cards omfg OK IM OFFICIALLY ADDICTED THIS IS BAD

Spent like 3 hours playing it yesterday and 1 hr today fml


On a side note I have not studied for ANY of my upcoming exams and I still need to prep year 5 work RIP me yolo I don't feel like I'm in exam mode AT ALL

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