Saturday 5 November 2016

How to tell twins apart

this will always be fucking amazing. Fiona Xu's 1/55 math yearly exam.
She had Ms Maloukis as a teacher too can you imagine her reaction to this. After so long I finally realise why the 2 = 1 proof doesn't work 
Can't believe I have never heard this song before it so good

Stuffed up so many times during my 8B class today I was so flustered lel. Gave them a test today so tho it was really chill after that... I looked over their homework whilst they were doing their tests ad three of them did not do their HW corrections last week and in my head I was like
Pulled them aside after class and told them to do it next week last warning all dat and one of the boys is so shitty at working out omfg I roasted him and he was like I'll do it all again.
I lost one of my students' books so I gave her a new one I found lying around in my room omfg I am the worst. 


ALSO idk if I've mentioned this already BUT I HAVE TWINS IN MY CLASS it is a nightmare telling them apart they literally look exactly the same and tie their hair up exactly the same way and every time I get them mixed up I feel so bad. Usually I call the roll in the middle of class and mentally remember which one is sitting on the left/right but sometimes I still forget so when I address them I say one of the names and make eye contact with the space between their heads so I won't be wrong. 

Also they are always sharing telepathic thoughts and giving each other looks like this during class:
I have no idea what is going on.

I've noticed that one of them sometimes wears a football jersey to tutor tho :) I really hope they never ever read this because one of the twins is a little smarter than the other one like I don't understand how that works. The tutor before me noticed this too. HOW?? They literally have been brought up the same way and with the same tutor and everything what.

I think it would be fun to have a twin but also exhausting because everyone gets you mixed up and you're always being compared and stuff.

OOOH I just remembered I know a twin! Her name's Natalie and I saw her at the bus stop once and I literally made full eye contact with her and usually she's really friendly and says hi but that time she didn't and I was so confused and then I realised it was probably her twin awks

Also saw Jing before math exam shudder

Did no study today just marked homework. What is finals seriously.

Amy came to Cabra today!! After tutoring we went to eat J's Kitchen and then I drove us home to study. She started stressing about chem and I was just leisurely marking homework bored outta my mind. Then at around 7 we left to Stephen's house to see the beanies. They are so much cuter irl omfg they are so squirmy and restless they keep crawling over each other trying to get comfy SO CUTE

appreciate them in all their gif-ed glory WIGGLY
Then went to some quiet thai restaurant in Kingsgrove. We ordered massaman curry, pad see ew and some other weird noodle thing. The pad see ew was so yum. Then I dropped Amy & Stephen off and drove home.

I'm less terrified of the freeway now. You just have to keep going straight and hope everyone calmly overtakes yo slow ass. When I was exiting the freeway and turning I almost turned into the oncoming lane then realised and had to slow down so much to go in the correct lane. Cars behind me be like wtf is this P plater doing. It's still a little scary driving alone at night though. 

I need a car so I can drive to uni :(


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