Friday 25 November 2016

Hazza P

I've only been to two interviews in my life: KFC job interview and one engineering scholarship interview. Was super nervous for both but the scholarship one was particularly bad LOL I was literally swivelling around in my chair because of how nervous I was.

Yesterday I had another interview which I did 0 prep for because I didn't want to lie anymore I feel like they can see through that. Luckily it was a group interview so I felt so much more comfortable not 100% comfortable but it was not too bad lol. Also helped that Big Lucy was interviewing me. It was for a PR position for WIE and hoping I get it but also won't be too disappointed if I don't because I'm not exactly the most qualified person for the job lmaooooooooo oops so yep that happened. The other person with me was this kinda quiet shy guy who was so upfront about his introverted self he straight out was like "I'm introverted so I want to get more involved but not in the events team because I'm not good at talking to people so maybe I would fit in the PR team where its more computer stuff"
On Wednesday I went over to tutor Kevin and played with Amy. It was 10pm and we were bored so we wanted to make a cake but I was really ceebs but Amy insisted we make a dinosaur so she made her mum drive us out to Coles at like 11pm HAHAHA. We bought two Coles boxed chocolate cakes, some fondant and vanilla icing. And then we made this....
Surprised Stephen with it in the morning HAHAHA 

Then went shopping with Amy and Stephen at Miranda it was kinda fun lol was helping Stephen find a present for Anus

Then took a train to city to watch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with Feng, Lianus and Joyce. I actually loved the movie it was really interesting and cool and like kinda kiddish but I liked it yo except for Johnny Depp in the end ew why. go watch it. CGI was off at times but they are forgiven because there were so many creatures lol THOUGHT EZRA MILLER AND COLIN FARRELL WERE SO GOOD THOUGH
what the fuck is this haircut tho
Then went home and drove to co-workers house to get stuff for her classes this weekend I have to sub ugh. 

Felt like reminiscing about Harry Potter so I watched Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince again. I forgot how good Order of the Phoenix was.

ANYWAY slept at like 3 then woke up at 2pm today because I was so sleep deprived... watched Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2. now it is 11pm FRIDAY NIGHT and I have yet to start marking for my class in 10 hours. yoloo lol its ok though they had less homework this week seriously fuck my life why do I do this it brings me no happiness in my life at all

Blogger finally got a makeover wow


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