Wednesday 16 November 2016

Heaven is a place on earth with you

getting the feels again

what am I meant to be doing with my life I honestly have no idea.

Hate tutoring so much omfg I get so bored teaching kids like ughghghgh LAST week I was so happy with the 8A's after today's lesson not so much lol that was so short lived. Idk I just feel like I need people to appreciate me otherwise I will be sad. And I feel like everyone around me is having so much fun tutoring and enjoying their work whereas I just wanna die every time I go to class

ffs I can do so many things to make me happier

So sad sad sad fucking hell

people snake me so much holy shit but im a snake so I guess I deserve it

why am I losing at rank 62 on tetris battle what the fuck is wrong with me

Did shit in all my finals except for maths as well

I really have nothing to talk about

watching Xin's vlogs like fuck med students have to study so much
I don't want your body
But I hate to think about you with somebody else
Our love has gone cold
You're intertwining your soul with somebody else
This song is so sad OK i just realised its a cover of a 1975 song but whatever

Up to episode 6 of uncontrollably fond its pretty good

love this song
Went on a two hour music downloading spree yasssssssssssss

Hmm idk what the purpose of a blog is anymore I feel like I can remember most things that I want to remember anyway.

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