Tuesday 22 November 2016

Get used to it


Had more terrible lessons on Sunday the 5As were so damn wild I can't. Trying to find the will to continue teaching the year 5s like


Went to little snail to celebrate Amy's birthday with her fam and Stephen hehehe. It was same as lunch except you also got a cocktail hmm yummm I wanna get drunk just kidding but not really because I need to mark shit and can't do that when I can't see straight omfg I should try getting drunk and marking work I think that would be hilarious
 What an awkward photo
 Random plate of food
 Photo confirms I'm actually a black woman
I feel kinda lucky to have a second Pham

Look who added me on fb!!! If you remember back in year 12 I let Poulomi Panda into badminton because she had such a funky name and I was so excited to see who she was and expected an asian (because Panda) but she wasnt.
Lol thx fb I will totally add Ms Yen on fb!


As a teacher I think our favourites aren't necessarily the smartest but the most hardworking. IMO anyway. Thinking back I was such a lazy shit lol always skipping steps in working out thinking I was top shit. 

Woke up, marked and prepped then next thing ya know its 6 and I'm omw to tutoring. Had a good lesson today it makes me feel so happy when they finally get it but also kinda annoyed when they keep saying "Miss I can't do it" and I'm kinda like why you gotta say that just keep trying gurlfran. Some of them are actually the kindest kids I can't. Taught them the harder section of indices yenno when you have negative indices and you have to flip it to the bottom of the fraction and it gets all confusing and that when you have multiple letters and everything just goes crazy they were like MISS THIS IS SO HARDDDDDDDDD MISS HELP MISSSSSSSS MISS MISS MISS. It feels nice to be needed though
 lmao last time I had self-confidence Jessica was still in SNSD. 
 Next week's homework gonna be hell to mark I think they're going to get a lot wrong lmao but oh well idm as long as they try.

Also the class got bit in the proverbial butt so hard they're getting Jimmy next year and they had to fill out a survey saying if they could make it on Friday at 4:30 or not and they collectively tried to sabotage the survey because they didn't want Friday...nek minnit I give them another note saying "since so many of you can't do 4:30 we are moving the class to 8 pm" and lmao they were all like RIP

Holy shit Connie roasted Lozza so hard on Crystal's birthday present convo holy moleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy this is why you don't cross her lol (hi Connie hope ur havin fun in China don't kill me)

My mum wanted me to make healthy juice but we don't have a juicer in our house so I blended an apple, pear, spinach and mint then strained it to get the juice but the pulp was still fucking wet so I put cling wrap over it and pressed it down with a bowl lmao it was so refreshing and idk why I shared this.

Watched American Beauty it was good but kinda sad but also lol idk what I think about it

going to try post daily again this is real bad


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