Thursday 8 December 2016

Bad Boy

YASSSS solved my plagiarism thing I feel kinda bad cus I thought it was Phuc copying me/ me copying off a website but nah I totally forgot that I helped Cameron with his assignment so lel I go and check the photos in our fb convo and literally all the code that I sent him was highlighted in my assignment as plagiarism?? I was so close to emailing the prof being like "um idk how this showed up as plagiarism I totally did not plagiarise" then I thought about it and messaged Cameron and he said this:
He was too scared to message me rly like rly please I was about to fuck myself over by lying to the plagiarism dude again. 

Well at least its solved now. My mark won't change but I'll still be moved to Level 1 plagiarism :/ Remind me to never help people again. 

Side note: before I confronted him I imagined this scenario in my head where I was really mean and was roasting him like "WHY DID YOU COPY MY CODE WHY DIDN'T YOU CHANGE IT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" but this is what came out:
this is what happens when I try to roast... it turns into a gentle simmer


(5/12/16) Hung with Mei, Eugene, Amy and Stephen for the day. We went to Stephen's house and played with his little bunnies which are not that little anymore haha. We moved them onto his bed and they shat on Eugene's hand yummy. 
Also Stephen's dog Dim Sim has a particularly hatred for Mei and kept growling at her everytime she came close to him. We baked salted caramel brownies which were delish.

We also watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 which was kool.

Then we went out to city for Korean at this restaurant called Myung Jang in an alleyway on Pitt St. It was quite good but we ordered too much food. This tteokbokki (had to google how to spell lol) with cheese was so nice but a bit too chilli for my liking. Still really yummy though. 
We bought like 3 teapots of homemade soju but it was only enough to get a little tipsy. Then we went to karaoke for half an hour and sang Winter's Child which was so good


Hung at Hurstville with Amy, Stephen and Andrew. We just ate shitloads of KFC and walked around the shops. Bought pore strips and tried them on Andrew in the middle of the food court. He cried because of how painful it was. Also if any of you saw my snapchat I hope you know it was a joke. Angel messaged me after not having spoken to me in like almost a year like "OMG YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND??". And I was it was Amy and Andrew's vulgar creativity. Tired of people saying there are so many boys in engineering. 

This poor boy (notice the single tear coming out of the left eye). None of us believed how painful it was until we tried it later that night on ourselves haha. btw we got it from miniso its a really good pore strip.

The Reader

Made Amy watch The Reader with me starring Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes and some 18 year old German boy. I heard about it from Hugh Jackman's opening Oscar monologue a few years back and also knew that Kate Winslet won lots of awards for her acting in it.

The movie was quite a strange one??????? 15 year old boy having an affair with like a 30 year old ex-Nazi guard idek. It was a little pointless as well would not recommend unless you were really bored. Fun fact the kid was not allowed to film his sex scenes until he turned 18.


At home, bored af, need more movies to watch... might keep watching descendants of the sun even though its boring af

I have realised I like character driven movies the most.


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