Monday 26 December 2016

Christmas 2016


Went to Stephen's house for some pre-Christmas celebrations. Amy used m&ms as blue lipstick. 
We had a last minute Kris Kringle only because Amy and Stephen had already gotten us gifts LOL. I had nothing to buy for Stephen so Amy bought him a phone holder thing to strap to your arm. They got me a Middle Earth map hehehehe
Baked some Christmas treats like this reindeer cupcake that looked like maggots were coming out from its eyeballs.
Watched "Her" and I didn't fully understand the movie I feel HAHAHA like it was beautiful to look at but I don't have enough life experience to relate to all the issues it delves into. I found this Youtube channel "Channel Criswell" that does the most amazing video essays on movies. Also the narrator has a Scottish? accent that is so soothing to listen to.


Woke up late and went to city to hang with Amy. We had lunch at the $2.50 sushi place above Market City and yasss the chicken and cream cheese roll is good every time. 
 Tried sea urchin which is literally the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. I usually hate seafood but this was next level. It was like if you had a bucket of seafood, took all the seafood out, concentrated all the juices at the bottom of the bucket then coagulated it to resemble pus.
Then I was craving N2 and I remembered that Kim worked there and I went up to order the one with passionfruit and pavlova and she gave me a nod and I was like YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS cus last time she said she would give me free ice cream and she actually did HAHAHA ty ty ty Kim :) 
After that we walked around to find Amy's kk gifts for her family. Then we went back home so I could tutor Kevin. 

Then Amy threw a tantrum and we didn't start baking until 1am after we finally settled on watching Bride and Prejudice (the Bollywood parody of Pride and Prejudice) which we didn't end up really watching anyway. WORKED ON THE CAKE UNTIL 5:30 AM RIP BECAUSE WE HAD TO COOK THE 3 LAYERS SEPARATELY AND WE ONLY HAD 1 CAKE TIN. 

Anyway, I'm going to edit a video together of how we made the cake.


Spent Christmas Eve at Amy's house because why not I basically live there anyway. Here are some terrible photos. 
 Her family does huge christmases omfg there were so many presents underneath the tree like fek
We went swimming and it was so fun omfg we had a water balloon fight and it legitimately hurt when the balloons hit you without popping. Kevin had welts HAHAHA. Then we all swam in the same direction and made an actual whirlpool.

Kevin's disgusting foot
Also Amy, Stephen and Amy's mum got me the best present ever omfg it was this dip pen set from this shop in Hurstville ITS SO BEAUTIFUL AND FUN HEHEHEHEH ty ty ty I feel bad because I didn't get anyone anything but I guess if I get it in the next two days maybe it will still count.


stayed over again, went to Huong Xua canley heights for lunch with the pham
I relate spiritually to this
 Eugene lent me her brother's Millenium Series and I'm like 100 pages in and I love it already.
Soz for the abundant photo post it's getting late and I must watch ALL her movies. Tanner Hall is up next. 


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