Wednesday 14 December 2016

What a strange girl you are

I'm so scared of reading my old blog posts because I don't want to see how much livelier I was back then. I accidentally stumbled upon that "Masterclass in Creative Writing" that I linked in my previous post and the tone of my blog posts are so much more depressing these days.

Nancy and Ivy's Birthday

Lmao was not going to blog about this because it was such a mediocre night but here I am.

Basically Eugene and I each plused one Stephen and Amy so we could all go to the party and get drunk together HAHAHAH 

Had pre's at KFC because we are classy chickens. We shared  1.4L of vodka between 5 (Eugene, Amy, Stephen, Vivien Anh and I) whilst eating chips and potato and gravy. I know how that shit is made but its still so delicious. We were all having a good ol' time then at like 7:45 ish we left because the party started at 6.

We stand up and most of us are already tipsy then Stephen suddenly explodes vomit onto a nearby table and my vision was going but I think everyone on that floor kinda stood up and left because of how gross it was. He tried to vomit in the cup but only a bit of it actually went into the cup. Like there was so much on the surrounding table and floor and the poor poor cleaner.

Amy was going to start drinking later because she didn't want to be red when she walked into the party. 

Arrived at the Occidental Hotel and Eugene and Amy took gulps of vodka straight from the bottle so it was no surprise that they stayed drunk for like the entire 3 hours. The party was fun for the first one and a half hours or so of seeing SGHS people (Shumi was so classy she was sipping on wine, Lozza is still alive contrary to popular belief), other uni people like Phuc's group and some primary school people. Nothing particularly memorable happened only that Eugene was trying to make out with many people and Amy and Stephen were acting like the biggest most noble cockblocks. 

Then the alcohol wore off and my normal self was arriving again. 

I have very little photos. Here are some tragic ones. Amy ripped the O from XOXO down and shoved it over my head.
Photo with the birthday girl which I posted on snapchat which I promptly deleted because I realised I did the peace sign in every single fakkin photo
Met Tinker for the first time properly. I had him on FB since year 8 when Jonita added him on my phone. Then silence... until this year when it was our 6 year friendship anniversary on FB
And I was literally like wtf is going on I thought it was Teresa messaging me because I had never spoken to him in my life.

Then last night I asked him about it and he was like "I'd never messaged anyone for friendship anniversary before so I just felt like it." Amy kept trying to make us best friends and I thought he was super nice and funny dude. Also he got a haircut so he doesn't look 5 anymore. THEN AMY TOOK IT TOO FAR and posted a fb status with a photo of me and him but fortunately it was only up for like 15 minutes before I realised jesus. She's such a snake she locked her room door to post it and said she was changing then walked out in exactly what she was wearing before and I didn't even notice.

And also ty Michelle Jusmin + Stephen for hanging with me on the stairs I feel like we were all kinda like at the same stage of thinking that the party was getting boring.

Rita said she remembered back in high school I didn't like hugging anyone and I was so surprised that she remembered that and then I was like "IVE CHANGED" and then I hugged her lmao. don't know whether to facepalm or dab. I'm in awe of people like Rita like the really confident passionate about what they're doing type of people yenno.

Ubered back to Amy's and arrived at like 12 then we made ramen and I made her watch Carol.

Then woke up this morning, went to Lilong at Hursy with FD, Amy and Stephen for lunch. Food was aight. Had to hurry home to make tutor work.

Had my last lesson with the 8A class today and made them do a test and gave holiday homework. I bought ferroro rocher for them but I felt really bad because one girl was allergic and she couldn't eat it and I should've considered that fuck my life. I can't even deal good luck with Jimmy next year I wish y'all well. 

I was feeling really happy before this blog post but now I'm sad because..............................Its ok I'm going to cleanse my soul. See you laterz.

Irrelevant Bedazzle

List of movies I need to watch plus release dates in Australia so I know when to drop everything and drive myself to the nearest cinema:

(I should be like Anna and just go to the cinemas myself)

La La Land (THIS FRIDAY!!!)
Lots of award season buzz around this movie plus Jeremy Jahns said it was good and I value his opinion. I feel like its going to be fucking cute.

Lion (19/1/17)
Also lots of award season buzz, trailer looks amazing as well but mostly cus Rooney Mara FAKKK it looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good omfg.

Collateral Beauty (12/1/17)
The one I'm most unsure about on this list it seems a little cheesy but the cast is so good

Passengers (1/1/17)
The Edge of Seventeen (5/1/17)

Side note also want to watch Weightless because of this photo


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