Wednesday 28 December 2016

La La Land

So here comes my very incomprehensive review of "La La Land" which I was so fucking excited to see I kept dropping not-so-subtle hints to Amy about it.


Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling actually sang the songs (some live) and both their voices are quite nice.

All the songs are original as well like wtf the composer is so talented I hope these songs will turn into classics.


What a beautiful movie to look at. I felt like I was in a trance for 2 hours. The long shots, the colours, even the actors faces like my eyes were just trying to absorb all the beauty. LOVED the dancing scene on the hill with a view of the whole city that was soooooooooooooooooooooo nice. Also the dancing in the galaxy part was so cool.
I really want to know how they shot that opening scene. 

Also the editing was amazing I don't really know why I just felt like all the scenes transitioned in a unique but not jarring way. I've never seen anything like it.

Couple goals

I loved Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling omfg some people said they weren't that invested in the couple but I totally was THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER AND THEY SUPPORTED EACH OTHER'S DREAMS AND JUST UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the way they smiled at each other at the end as well RIP my heart


Tbh I thought it was a bit slow AT TIMES especially in the honeymoon phase when nothing was really happening like I caught myself thinking "when is the conflict going to come so the story moves somewhere" and it took QUITE LONG. 

There were certain moments in the movie where the whole cinema went silent and idk I love those when you're just hanging onto every word the characters are saying and watching the expressions on their faces (i.e. their argument, her amazing audition, when he plays the last few notes on the piano at the end after the dream sequence). Omfg the look on Emma Stone's face when she saw the Seb's sign

Spoilers are whited out so if you want to read it properly just highlight it lol. 
Stephen said "love is dead" when the movie finished but I really didn't feel that way. The whole movie felt really really happy to me and I don't think it could've ended another way because if you think about it logistically both were completely dedicated to their work and it probably wouldn't have worked out anyway like who would look after their kid. And they both have that brief period of their lives to look back on. It was very bittersweet because they both accomplished what they set out to do and to become .


They were both so passionate about their respective dreams and I felt so fake watching it because I have no dreams. Can you imagine wanting to do something so badly you would pack up your whole life to pursue it? I WISH I HAD THAT DRIVE TO DO SOMETHING. I think if we all seriously considered our dreams our society would not function though like come on.

Anyway I can't say that I loved it but I think defs go see it if you like musicals and love looking at pretty things lmao. I want to rewatch it though. Am not as blown away by it as I was by Whiplash ...that movie made me lose a few years of my life because of the stress.


Went to Town Hall in the arvo to meet with Feng who I had not seen in like a month, and FD.

I got there before everyone else so I lined up to buy tickets and noticed 2 asian chicks who were talking very animatedly. Then after I bought tickets I was just chilling in front of the cinema because I didn't want to get out from behind the pole otherwise my Me Oi co-worker would see me and I was trying to avoid her. THEN I GET AMBUSHED BY THE TWO ASIAN CHICKS and they start asking me what ticket I bought and wow turns out they bought La La Land tickets for the same session!!! Some more small talk goes on and inside I'm like "wtf do you want with me".... then they start slowly bringing up all these events that they want to invite me to like Zumba classes, language classes, teamwork sessions etc. and I'm kinda like fuck how much longer is this going to go on for until they finally bring up "oh and our main thing is Bible study classes" OF MOTHERFUCKING COURSE LMAO and they ask me if I have a religion and I'm just bluntly like "no" and I could tell that they were a little shocked and they didn't know what to say but then they recovered and started saying "oh Bible study isn't just for religious people" blah blah idk what LOL just zoned out a little until they finally left after giving me a flyer. RIP I don't know how to leave those conversations. But tbh they were really nice. 

Also I was 1m away from Ms Irvine who was with a friend and I was so close to being like omg Ms Irvine then I realised she probably doesn't know who I am.

Went to Westfield Myers and saw so many people - Viv Thuy, Anh Anh Tran, Vickie Tran and Phuc (who was working there). Then met up with Stephen, Amy and Andrew at the Giftorium and walked back to Event.

Came back in time for some of the ads and omfg I was so disappointed when the lights dimmed because the Lion trailer didn't show BUT THEN the Lion trailer comes on and Amy gave me the rude finger because she is so sick of her. FD and I were saying GUDDU!! More advertising for this movie because I need someone to see it with me. 
OMFG also Manchester By the Sea looks soooooooooooooooooo good. Casey Affleck has won almost all the Best Actor Awards so far wtf no one has come even close. Also he needs to become more famous so more people will see "Ain't Them Bodies Saints" and the one coming out next year "A Ghost Story". Seriously the trailer is good.

Anyway, then went dinner at this Korean place on Pitt St with really nice deco I forgot what its called lol. Bumped into Jess Shi and Sophia Chung. Then I wanted to walk past Me Oi (now Pho Mo) to see if the same people were still working even though it changed owners. And yup looked through the window and saw Francis then saw Chi!! Hahahah it was so random to catch up with them and yah they still having fun (and getting paid hella good as well). Francis has a tattoo now on his forearm holy shiet. Still kinda creepy though he keeps telling me he wants to meet Lizzy and Amy fml he's even been telling Chi that "Serena's going to introduce me to her friends" can someone please stop him just no

Ya its 2am gotta get up at like 6 tmr rip.  ok what the fuck I have just failed in killing a huge cockroach in my room now it is on the loose fml


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