Sunday 11 December 2016

Flung Out of Space.

HAHAHAHAHAH I'm so funny

Sunday (Today)


broororororoorororororooroooooooooo broob orroo

Was feeling so ceebs at tutor today so started vsing a kid at the Rubik's cube lol and then suddenly the whole class was gathered around and watching so intently and it was so funny I challenged them all to learn how to do it by next term. Then just as I was leaving and wishing everyone a good holiday, I felt something against my leg

a tutor kid hugged me and I was like
seriously I would love all of them so much if I wasn't teaching them. 

still struggling

Friday (wow such non-linear, disjointed, disrupted story telling what am I doing)

Quite like this song
Accidentally gave my tutor students 7 to 12 pages of tutor homework rip (depending on how they spaced it out) so sorry kids I did not realise it was that long jaysus.

but also rip me because I have so much to mark now

Getting back into Descendants of the Sun


Had fabulous tutor lesson with 8Bs I absolutely love this class they are all so attentive but I had to move a lot of them to 8A because that class is getting Jimmy next year AND I SENT THE ANGEL TWINS AWAY OMFG kinda sad. Everytime I marked their homework I felt so happy because they always got everything right and their writing was so neat and just ugh. Their little bro is still in my class though so its ok because he's so intelligent and cute and hardworking and ugh criii everday. 

Then had a HW help class with the year 5s it was so chill because only like 10 people showed up which is the smallest class I have ever had AND THERE WERE NO ROOMS AVAILABLE so I was just teaching them in the reception area and all the little children were sitting around the small table discussing G.A. answers and lol

Worked from 9:30 - 5:30 yesterday, tutoring and supervising their selective exams bleurgh.

Then went to work Christmas Dinner at Kaffir Lime (Cabramatta West). Food there is so so so good highly recommend. Its near where the old J's Kitchen was. 

Got there like 15 minutes late so I had to sit at the end of the table and it was a little awkies cus I was sitting across from this workmate who I didn't really know that well, and next to my boss' husband -.-

But I got a Christmas present from my bosses randomly hehehe. I need to get them something to thank them for employing me even I'm totally unqualified. They called out my name and I was so embarrassed and confused cus I didn't put my name in for KK so I was literally walking up with this wtf expression on my face. but $30 gift card and some soap thing (are they saying I smell)
Forgot what I wanted to blog about I had a lot of stuff to say last night.

Also I added my boss on fb before remembering that I have so many party party photos on my fb oh lord. Aren't we so cute - Jimmy's double chin peaking

thx fam
Going to start another blog under diff name yolo


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