Thursday 29 December 2016

Uweza Foundation

You know its all gone to shit when you are no longer part of the group chat. Maybe I am meant to be a recluse but I don't think I can survive like that. Need to start attending yoga classes, becoming a vegan and creating my own charity.

Friendships are so hard to maintain. I feel like a monster sometimes because my fear of being lonely is what motivates me to do things.

Everything I write is so contrived stop pretending Serina.

Listening to Jean Yves Thibaut... I still remember when I first started this blog I was in my Pride and Prejudice phase (which I would happily get back into) and I was just writing thoughts for myself and idk what to do anymore because everything I say I have to consider who's reading and whether you'll want to read this and everything is so difficult I want to private this blog but also like yeh

I think everyone is tired of my fake existential crises I realise there seven year old Kenyan girls getting raped and married off to men old enough to be their grandfathers. I watched the founders' presentation at a Social Innovation Summit and I was so shocked and saddened by their stories like fml we are so lucky in Australia. Basically the organisation helps improve the lives of young kids/teenagers living in the Kibera slums by giving them access to programs, tutoring, housing etc. It's the first charity I have actually spent any significant time learning about and it started with more stalking of my current obsession (poops u know who I am talking about heheh) but I put on my KK wishlist to donate $30 to this charity instead of buying me anything because fuck their lives are so shitty and its unfair we get to live so freely. Now if my KK happens to not read my blog or not check my wishlist, I will be happy with anything else they can come up with and I'll just donate myself.

Do you ever just wish you could drop everything and volunteer somewhere and help people who actually need it then realise that you aren't brave enough to do that because you need to go to uni and educate yourself so you can get a stable job. Maybe one day. Why do such awful things happen I don't get it.

Saw Angel today no not that Angel but Feng saw that Angel at Specsavers. Also saw Gabby lmao I saw the back of her head and I was analysing her walk for so long cus I wasn't sure it was her. Also saw ??? through the window as she was working lmao didn't want to go in and say hi because I'm too poor to walk into shops like those.

When you don't know whether your feelings are real or not because they only come out at night when you're alone in your bed trying to articulate what is going on in your head then it just goes deeper and deeper then you wake up the next day and everything is alright again and the night before seems like a dream.

Did you know you can turn you iPhone keyboard into a mouse pad?

I wish I was not fake.

What a waste of a lovely night


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