Thursday 22 December 2016

Chokes on Spinach

Your ever faithful (and drunk) Cap'n Jack Sparrow is fucking bored again today and has done some photoshopping because why not. 
Stephen gazes longingly into Joffrey's eyes, pauses and whispers, "I need to shit."
Joffrey's eyebrows raise as he stutters "'ve already been -"
Stephen raises a fingers to Joffrey's lips.
"Yes my darling....for the 5th time today."
Hmm a Vietnamese Tiger Lily. More or less offensive than the casting of the Anglo-Saxon actor in Pan to play the traditionally Native American character?
I made a tumblr for the lols don't follow me cus my first post is too personal. Can someone teach me to tumblr how do I get followers.

Too many days I have been home alone I think I may ... become obese just eating and sitting all the time literally haven't moved in 4 days or something.

Watched The Fighter which was a pretty good movie. Christian Bale is so good in it omfg and he looks like a lil drugged up stick.
Its 2am now and I have to get up at 8 tmr. I'm kinda lost as to what to blog about. So I guess I'll leave it there. No bullshit personality stuff tonight.

A note on my titles:
I make my titles up so randomly and sometimes they are unrelated to what I'm blogging about. I wonder if I read back on my past blog posts I will remember what I was referring to. 


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