Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Individualist

Learning how to use photoshop because boredom
Yes the outline is all fucked up cus she so hard to select but yo that was fun to make. tyvm Spoon Graphic's for this tutorial. He did it so much better HAHAHAH. hmmm I think we're noticing a theme here.

Rewatched social network and I can relate to Mark Zuckerberg in many ways but I wish I was as smart as him omfg can I invent something so I can be as rich as him but I am so uninspired. He is such a douchebag fml Eduardo u lil poor puppy why???? the dramatic part where he finds out his shares have been diluted to "point zero three" was RIVETING
only engo kids will understand

Did not know David Fincher directed House of Cards maybe I shall watch it now.

Want to take the legit Enneagram test to see what I am. After reading through the types I reckon I'm the individualist. None of the positives of any of the types really match me but legit what is positive about my personality anyway. Actually this is spot on wtffffffff maybe everyone is like this lol

That basic fear and desire tho. Some more quotes from the article:

"More than any other type, Fours are acutely aware of and focused on their personal differences and deficiencies."

"Fours often report that they feel they are missing something in themselves, although they may have difficulty identifying exactly what that “something” is. "

"They feel that they lack a clear and stable identity, particularly a social persona that they feel comfortable with."

"While it is true that Fours often feel different from others, they do not really want to be alone. They may feel socially awkward or self-conscious, but they deeply wish to connect with people who understand them and their feelings"

"Fours typically have problems with a negative self-image and chronically low self-esteem. They attempt to compensate for this by cultivating a Fantasy Self—an idealized self-image which is built up primarily in their imaginations." #oath


Some advice:

Do not pay so much attention to your feelings; they are not a true source of support for you, as you probably already know. Remember this advice: "From our present perspective, we can also see that one of the most important mistakes Fours make is to equate themselves with their feelings. The fallacy is that to understand themselves they must understand their feelings, particularly their negative ones, before acting. Fours do not see that the self is not the same as its feelings or that the presence of negative feelings does not preclude the presence of good in themselves" (Personality Types, p. 172). Always remember that your feelings are telling you something about yourself as you are at this particular moment, not necessarily more than that.


Damn that's scary how accurate the description is. That's how David Fincher casts his movies. He does the Enneagram test for his character, assigns them a number, then makes an actor take it and he considers how similar their types are. 

OMG WTF David Fincher (director), Trent Reznor (score composer), Jesse Eisenberg and Rooney Mara ALL FROM THE SOCIAL NETWORK are type 5s??? Coincidence? No jk generally actors, directors and scientists are type 5s because they tend to be curious and insightful. Huh the more you know. 

omfg in the behind the scenes Jesse said something like "I hate LA because everyone has got friends there." and he was sad cus when they went from Boston to LA to film, Andrew wasn't hanging out with him as much because he had a girlfriend there (Emma Stone).

Trying to learn how to play the Forrest Gump theme on piano just for the lols and I'm fucking bored.

Wow it is 4am this is like the 4th night in a row I have done this my sleep schedule is truly fucked. 

Gonna be me one day. I've never been angry drunk. just sad sometimes.


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