Sunday 20 August 2017

baby you are gonna miss that plane

Holy moly here we go again, blogging instead of catching up on 4 weeks of mechatronics.

Friday was my uncle's funeral. My mum told me to bring tissues but I was like there's no way I'm going to cry. When I arrived at the funeral place in Rookwood, so many people already had red eyes and the mood was so sombre. My mum told me to go up and look at his body and I caught and glimpse and was like nope. I can't deal looking at people that aren't alive anymore it creeps me out and I feel like they're about to just spring up and be like Hi IT'S JUST A PRANK! He was really shiny. He was loved by the entire Chinese community in our area and there were so many people that showed up that there weren't enough seats and half the people had to stand.

I love hearing speeches from people that knew him best because he never really told us his stories. I just knew him as a quiet man who occasionally needed help with photoshop. He helped so many people with their visa applications to get to Australia, he taught people English, he helped my mum translate to Mandarin, he struggled to survive in a Cambodian concentration camp for 4 years and in his last few days he bought car insurance for his daughter without her even knowing. He said, "Don't be sad. I'm so lucky. I should've died when I was 20."

Manly's speech tho. So beautiful and everyone was sobbing uncontrollably. "I am the man I am today because of my dad." His speech was in English until the very end when he finished off in Cantonese because as his dad would say, "SPEAK CHINESE". I didn't have tissues so had to use my dad's scarf.

At the end they played his favourite song and encouraged us all to sing along to it but it was in Chinese. There was one woman who was absolutely killing it and belting it out an octave higher then after the song ended she broke down and started wailing. Everyone had to leave a single flower at his casket and pay our final respects then that was it.

rip uncle hope you're up in heaven pulling up your long af socks and playing some ping pong.

On a less serious note I saw BOTH my past English tutors from my early high school years. They're both teachers at Canley Vale that my auntie somehow roped into tutoring us Carramar kids in my neighbour's garage every Monday after school back when I was in year 7-9. We had Sue first and then Janine. I was such a total shit to both of them. Legit Sue was so unfulfilled from teaching us I think she left after a month or something. Then Janine came along (they're very good friends) and taught us for a couple of years. Janine took Cynth, Nance and Tian all the way through HSC lmao whilst Amy, Yuan and I sat at the end of the table eating shapes and drawing on each others' books. Such fond memories. We paid her $20 EACH for 1.5 hours thats like $160 dollars for her to teach us nothing HAHAHA it was so chill tho and Janine was so.... ceebs? It was fun though we would have such random conversations and occasionally I would surprise her by putting effort into what I was doing. I still randomly remember things she would say to me like, "So when you watch a movie, you're just watching it blindly and not noticing how the filmmaker is making you feel what you're feeling?" and as I kid I was so baffled. I was like uhhhh no I just watch movies cus they're fun.

I saw Sue first and was so shocked cus I didn't even recognise her and she asked Cynth, "Is this who I think it is?!" lmao. Hugged her, said hi and she called me SHORT-STOP cus I used to be this tiny little thing. She kept talking to the older siblings and I went to the side to talk to Yuan then when I go back I REALISE JANINE IS THERE AS WELL like I completely ignored her before cus I didn't recognise her and I just wave and laugh and they call me short-stop some more whatever that means. I miss being a kid and being evaluated in kid standards. Now "an adult" I have no excuses to be a shit anymore HAHAHA.


Tutored today. Same shittttt lol but I went to my boss' house this time which was a little strange.


Before Sunset (2004)

Dir. Richard Linklater
My sister came back to live in this house for a night before my uncle's funeral so we finally watched the 2nd instalment to this (so far) fucking amazing trilogy. I just love these two so much and their chemistry is unreal. Just some normal people having normal conversations and making normal decisions good on y'all. 

where the fuck is my soulmate I'm waiting bitch get here quick I'm bored

Also Indiewire posted this yesterday so, its fate.
The ending had me screaming "NO" repeatedly at my TV screen ITS SO FUCKING GENIUS.

The list also has Carol at #3 but that's not why I clicked


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