Thursday, 10 August 2017


Tony Abbott you've got to be fucking kidding me can you please just leave if I see you on the street I promise I will not hesitate to force ur mouth open and shove the most lactose intolerant fart down your homophobic throat.

"And I say to you if you don't like same-sex marriage, vote no. If you're worried about religious freedom and freedom of speech, vote no, and if you don't like political correctness, vote no because voting no will help to stop political correctness in its tracks."

I didnt even know what a plebiscite was until today and yo its 2:30am and I'm mad at our country like how can u be mad at a country but I am. This situation is so dumb they're gna waste so much money on an OPTIONAL postal vote and even if theres a yes result for same sex marriage they're not even obligated to pass the bill in parliament so the postal vote basically functions as an opinion poll which is a task that can be outsourced to other companies that conduct polls basically all the time for a lot cheaper... and the polls have shown that 72% of Australians are for marriage equality SO WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM HERE?!??

Australia is the last developed English speaking country to not have legalised same sex marriage.. idk about you but I DON'T LIKE FEELING LEFT BEHIND. Now would be a good time for some of dat mob mentality we talked about in mod C.

Our government has the power to change the law but like Malcolm Turnball doesnt want to force his party to vote for it soo uhh lets just waste a couple million $$. Stand up for what you believe in you fucking 🍆

Anyway if it does come to a vote, hide your kids hide your wife cus its gna get dirty I can already imagine the protests and rallies just u g h stop it doesn't affect anyone but the people it affects... wow that sounds so dumb

A plebiscite would give anti-gay campaigners the biggest stage they have ever had, according to AME.
It quotes US research, which has shown that the mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people suffered significantly during referendum debates on marriage equality.
For LGBTI people who experienced a US state referendum on marriage equality there was a 37 per cent increase in mood disorders, a 42 per cent increase in alcohol-use disorders, and a 248 per cent in generalised anxiety disorders."
#overit there are real issues in the world people y'all just making Australia look dumb. Side note watch penny wong's speech its good

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