Sunday 6 August 2017

we're just strangers

Uni is soooooo fucking boring holy shit it just gets worse every day. I spent 2 hours in a tute trying to set up set-up an X-Box controller on Visual Studio and it wasn't working and when I asked my tutor he was like, "uhhh I have no idea... just start all over again." - its like bitch u don't think I've already tried that
MTRN2500 is going to be a nightmare. Had 5 hours of tutes on Friday and I wanted to neck myself by the end of it. But no I could not because I had a VSA UNSW x State x UTS bonding afterwards that I couldn't flake cus I flaked last time. 

LMAO had a tute with Miranda from sghs and felt so uncomfortable cus she was playing that spiral game where it ends up predicting who you're gna marry, what you'll live in, what car you'll drive and how many babies you'll have and she was like "so who do you like" and I was like
so she broadened it and was like "just write down the guys you know" 
lmaoooooooooo does like Stephen count

just fyi I got Miranda, a tent, a lambo and 3.

After my last tute I hung out with Debbie, Andy and Viv at matsci cus we had hours to kill. We nuggeted Debbie's bag and I wrote some tutor notes. Then waited for Dalena to finish up and took ze bus to central together. 

getting drunk is honestly THE SAME FUCKING THING EVERY TIME like even the chundering part is getting boring.

When we got to Kobow there were like 3 people there. So so so dead. Most of UNSW committee were fucking late. Eventually more people arrived and it got a bit livelier. Was feeling like an awkward fish until I got a few shots of soju into me HAHHAA. Our table ordered a soju bottle each so like.... -.- Went to soju alley where I didn't drink anymore cus I was rly feeling it. Walked to sanc with Precious and then got a long island and like I don't rmbr much after that. Ended up ordering another long island with Andy's card, chugged it, every fucking asian I ever knew was at sanc. Made so many new friends that I'll never talk to again! 
Left with phuc and viv on the train where I kinda blacked out...not really just took a lil nap. Got home, showered, blew some chunks whilst I was showering and I've chundered so much at this point it doesn't even burn anymore
Had to wake up at 8:30 today for tutoring and fuck I s2g I was still drunk and I was about to tell my dad to drive me to work but nah ceebs. I didn't die though. Had such a shitty day at tutoring two of my kids didn't finish their hw and I was hungover and pissed

Was writing on the whiteboard and was hit with a whiff of alcohol
Came home, learnt like one page of this really easy piano song from amelie, sang strangers so hcore I felt like I'd just gone through a breakup, SLEPT FOR 3 HOURS, did nothing......... tried card throwing (its going ok) and watched penn and teller videos. 

 I'm so behind already


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