I stayed up realllllllllllllly late last night watching ship videos. I LOVE THIS SONG!!
Tammy's Bday
26/27 August
Celebrated Tammy's birthday with most of HS group. It was v v v chill. We had dinner at Sushi Samurai and we just all shared rice dishes. Walked back to the air bnb and Feng said the best joke she's ever said. If you don't know her, her go-to reply is "you know what else is __________?" and the blank is whatever adjective we were talking about before.
*says something dumb*
You're not funny.
You know what else isn't funny? (beat)
Your Uncle's death.
Cut the cake, played some card games incl. Tammy's effort/10 homemade good vs bad game that tipsy people were shit at following. Played King's cup. Went to the club sober which is always fun!
Still had a good time at Embassy though. Some vsa/unsw person was having a birthday party that night so a lot of them kicked on there. Would not go again though. The music was pretty shit and entrance was $25 riperin0pe.
Went back to air bnb and had a very peaceful sleep. Then had pancakes at Harbourside for breakfast (would die for Bluberry Heaven) and Tammy drove us to Sefton station.
Computing Assignment
Had a mechatronics computing assignment due yesterday and that was consuming my life for the 2 days leading up to it. Computing is actually like all your own learning like if you don't have friends you're basically fucked. I was messaged 2 people continuously for the past few days cus I had no FUCKING CLUE how to even start ?? like how to create an object class and what should go into the private/public class I literally had 0 clue. And I would get stuck then spend an hour trying to figure out what was wrong then I'd figure it out then cry cus it would be like a tiny typo or I was putting getState(); in the wrong place.Ended up getting 16.5 / 20 which should've been 18.5 but lost two marks because I booked my assessor too late HAHAHA. There was a deadline that Stephen and I both missed because we don't go to lectures gg. So lucky though because Sandy sent me the exact functionality I had to implement in my exam so I got 4.5/5 for that part. I bullshitted answering the questions soooooooo hard.
So happy I am DONE with this assignment. Like the final result is so cool but getting there was quite the nightmare.
just followed a new big fandom blog yesterday.. and she reblogged my post
oh yes i also passed 1.3k followers last weekend so there's that

Got my maroon Engsoc hoodie yesterday I LOVE IT
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