we are all bronn - like honestly who consciously decides to name their kid dick-on?
Um I can't watch Game of Thrones alone cus I get so riled up and I just end up yelling at my TV but also at the end of this ep I was just stunned and staring at the music-less credits in silence for a solid 20 seconds before I moved... I mean y'alls saw this ep it was fucking insane.
1. ze gang are back together
There have been so many more reunions and I'm living for this. The last time they were all together was... season 1. Holy shit its been like 6 years?!?!? I love them but the level of sprout is really spread across the board.... like Bran wtf happened.
I'm always so concerned about Sansa like what is she thinking when she's watching Arya train? She's a little jealous/concerned about the fact that Arya can now fight really well but like she should be happy for her? Someone explain. Please don't be conflict Y'ALL HAVE TO BE A STRONG WOLFPACK TOGETHER!!
Jon and Theon also had a reunion. That restraint tho... I expected Jon to at least give him a good smack.
2. Kinda shipped Bran and Meera but guess that's not a thing now
BUT FUCK when Bran was like "chaos is a ladder" and you saw Littlefinger's face just fall OMG IT WAS AMAZING.
Littlefinger: does anything
Oh also when Meera said "you died in that cave" I was just thinking of this fan theory I learnt last night from this Vox video about
Daenerys finally got off her ass and unleashed Drogon after she followed Tyrion's shitty advice and lost two battles. The battle was shot very very very well and the CG dragon actually looked amazing. LIKE WOW they did such a better job compared to the fighting pits scene back in season 5 where she was like floating in the air with drogon it was a mess. LOVEEE this gifset: Daenerys and Drogon throughout the seasons.
Such a strange battle because I was going for Daenerys but also going for Jaime and I didn't want him to die and when Tyrion was like "you fucking idiot" I was about to lose all the shits. Tyrion looks like he's beginning to doubt Dany... he better not fucking betray her later on.
this reminds me of Maplestory when I'd accidentally go outside on the ship to Orbis and get absolutely demolished by the Balrogs
4. It's the starting of something ... incestuous?
Dany is Jon's auntie lmfaoOOOOOOOOOoOoOoOoOoooo but confirmed from Davos' little quip to Jon that he's actually falling for her and also the showrunners saying in the behind the scenes. NOT 100% SOLD ON THIS ROMANCE but Game of Thrones has been lacking in a good ship for so long.
5. Some other things
I was screaming after this ep and already feel like rewatching it. BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
literally havent posted anything new in about a month but ok thanks. tumblr is getting a bit boring like I want to reblog multiple things from multiple fandoms but I feel like all my followers would unfollow me so idk
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