Thursday 17 August 2017

years of war + Game of Thrones S07E06

UM I JUST AGREED TO SPEND AN ENTIRE DAY ALONE WITH A STRANGER I BARELY KNOW CAN SOMEONE SAVE ME WHAT DID I JUST DO I was just gna not seen her message for a few hours until I decided what to do but I'd like to think I've changed so I just said WHY NOT and now I'm regretting everything. She's on exchange from Chicago and she wants to see Cabramatta uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you try to be friendly and casually say "oh you should come visit cabra one day" and she takes you seriously

AM I BEING A BITCH RIGHT NOW omfg I'm letting my own fears stop me from being a decent rational human being

pauline a dumbass

Speed Friending!!!

There was VSA speed friending last night and as a PR I had to facilitate the events and be the one in group encouraging the other people to speak and hopefully make them feel more comfortable etc. 
Thought it was gna be bad but it wasn't that bad cus another PR would read a new question from the podium every few minutes so we had something to discuss like "would you prefer permanent constipation or permanent diarrhoea?" Most of them were fobs though so like I was just translating most of the time. This fob didn't know what constipation was ... There was KFC and pizza but I left early with Selz before they served it cus I knew there were only 5 seats in Dals car and a total of 6 westies. U DO THE MATH. 

I drew the VSA logo like pay me to be ur whiteboard artist now
Tried to promo before the event by waving the Speed Friending poster around and screaming "DINNER FOR $4" then whispering "asterisk" but failed miserably (saw Jan on the way but nO sHe HaD aN OzTaG gAmE)
GUYS THIS IS ME AND SELINA'S EVENT AND WE ORGANISED ERRYTHING IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU COULD COME NEXT TUESDAY NEAR BOOST TYYYY!!!!! $2 for non-members which I'm aware all of you fucking are (except Stephen) FUCK Y'ALL. Need to promo tonight as well sigh. puns are so hard for this event. My fb wall is gna be so dead next year when I no longer have to post promos lmfao
Wow I have just been born

HAHAHAHHA I ASKED ANDY "HOW'S TAFE" AND HE SAID "THE SECOND LESSON WAS REALLY FUN" and I was like "what was the second lesson" and he says

Game of Thrones S07E06

SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK THAT LEAKED GAME OF THRONES EPISODE WTF. I wasn't going to watch it until Monday but... I saw so many spoilers on my dash I was just like FUCK IT. The version I downloaded was really good quality but the audio was a bit pitched so Daenerys sounded like a schoolgirl and Jon didn't sound as manly. Most of y'all haven't watched it so I don't want to spoil it for you LIKE IT GOT SPOILED FOR ME UGH


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