Sunday, 20 August 2017


Hung out with the girl from Chicago and I was chill because she told me last night some other people were coming along. Met them at Pho Ann and had a good feed then walked around and bought them some classic Cabra food like pandan waffles and sugar cane juice. There was this guy called Chip from the Czech Republic lmao he seems like a typical rich Vietnamese boy but damn international students are all so nice. 

They were really really surprised that the pho noodles were "fresh"? I don't even know what not fresh noodles are??? They've all been to more places around Sydney than I have HAHAH. Um they asked me which clubs are good etc and I never go clubbing so I was like well all the Asians hang out at Sanctuary. I'm expecting Chip to frequent there from now on so be prepared for a wealthy European Viet boy to sweep you off your feet with this 10/10 pickup line
Had to lug 8kg of nem nuong meat to my car which was parked on the highest carpark level. It was quite the struggle. I see so many of my tutor kids out in Cabramatta ummm not sure what to say when I see them sometimes I wave sometimes I swerve. 

VSA Things.

VSA is really struggling to come up with any more Nem Nuong puns... this is some of the most tragic promo-ing I have ever seen. Sorry if you think my promos are annoying imagine being fb friends with the entire committee lmfao. The first 3 are the absolute worst they're really stretching it HAHAHA. 

1. NEMories
2. after-NUONG snack
3. eNEMy

The rest are just ceebs.
Anyway, I'm holding a sweatshop tomorrow at my house to prep all the food for the nem nuong event tomorrow. I'm trying to get more people to come cus so far there's only 7 people coming and the more people we have the faster shit will get done.
lemme just
fuck ya andy

Random things.

1,234 notes - AGS BTS

I've had my Queensland post sitting in my drafts forever and am too ceebs to finish it so here's a very uninteresting information dump that I'm just gna keep in case I go back to Queensland and want to remember what was good.

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