Friday 11 August 2017

wow more nothingness

Back to my regularly scheduled content.


Uni was amazing because I actually learnt things!! My stats tutor was this nice fobby asian lady and she was so good at teaching. Then I went to my BIOM lecture where I tried to listen for about 5 minutes before I gave up. Had BIOM tute and I like I was kinda annoyed at Jason because we already formed groups of 5 last week when he was away and this week he wanted to join ours but the tutor was like nah it has to be 6 so one of you have to move to the other group with 4 AND JASON DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING SO NIINA VOLUNTEERED TO MOVE?? so done with him ugh 0 human decency. Besides that tho, my group is so good compared to the fobs I was stuck with last sem.

Chucked marbles to model enzymes?? I don't really understand HAHHA . 
Went home and did nothingggg


Went to Amy's house to tutor Kevin who has his trials rn. Lmao couldn't really do anything because he needed to basically memorise the entire syllabus in one day... I tried to go through more calculations with him really late at night so hopefully that helped him.


"How's Canada?"
Had Che Ba Mau event today ... same shit. LOL I'm going to stop putting myself as available on Weds/Thurs cus its so useless to come to uni just to help out. Had a pretty decent turn out though. Saw my fav 4u student, Jennifer, and I surprised both of us by hugging her LMFAO. Daren fucking forced me to promo?? I was so annoyed at him cus I hate promoing but everytime I drifted back to the table he would basically order me back out and just bro chill -.-----------

Then went to Tyree and did nothing. I was sitting in on Phuc and Miranda's mman2100 meeting but left cus felt awkward. Amy came and she fell asleep on my leg and cut off my blood circulation. Stephen finished his meeting then we met up with Eugene and Mei at Town Hall and played some pool. It was fun it was chill, we weren't shit but we weren't good either. 

Went to O Bal Tan for Joyce's bday. We had so much food and a few shots of soju. Twas chill. Mei and I were soooo bored waiting for people to finish eating so we made up some new games involving a mentos wrapper and/or bean sprouts. Joyce bought us souvenirs from her trip of a lifetime!! I got a nice little calendar hehe. Then we went to meetfresh. 
See everywhere I go I got a million different people tryna kick but I'm still alone in my mind.
Halsey's lyrics are so angsty omfg. 

self care is planning to watch three lectures and not actually doing that but writing a GOT reaction post and making a gifset across two youtube videos and a movie instead.

this looks amazing!!
People actually listen to The Clash... for fun?? I kenut believe Orphan Black is ending this sunday....... wtf


Before Sunrise (1995)

Dir. Richard ðŸ”—later ((thanks Feng for the stellar recommendation))

I mean really... have you never been in love?
Ethan Hawke and Julie Deply... how the fuck did the director find BOTH of them. Their dialogue and acting was so realistic that at every moment you feel like you're intruding on two people who are really getting to know each other. Also I had so many opinions on their opinions - they talk about love and life and human nature and it was all so profound but totally fascinating.
Meditative, slow burn, minimalist romances just really fuck me up.

Also makes me sad because I could never have such deep and meaningful conversations with anyone cus I'd either get self-conscious about my opinions (and how weak they are), whither under their stare then just give up midway trying to explain what I'm saying. (Like that one time I was ambushed by Catholics and I couldn't coherently explain what I thought about religion).

Anyway, check it out, its amazing.


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