Sunday 13 August 2017

charity dinner

Wtf this blog recently turned 2 years old. So little has changed in 2 years.
Had a draining day of uni yesterday. Learnt very little. I'm so fucked for my mechatronics assignment like its past the point of a being a joke anymore. BUT THANK GOD I HAVE FINALLY GOT THE SAMPLE CODE TO RUN. I bumped into Sandy after my stats tute and she helped me out. Now comes the actual hard programming part.... Have a MMAN exam on Monday I'm supposed to be studying for rn. uni fucking sucks shit UGH I know nothing yet I'm blogging right now?

Hopped on the train yesterday and decided I wasn't going to flake the VSA charity ball. I got home and had 20 mins to raid my sisters closet, find a dress and get ready. LOL. Can't makeup so that reduces my preparation time to 10 mins. All g. Still got there way toooo early. Only Andy and Liz were there and Viv came like 2 mins later.
lmao @ Liz managing to fucking convince me that her hickey was a birthmark for the entire night until we got to Sammy's. What a conveniently placed ❤️!
It was kinda boring tbh. It was charity dinner to raise money for Beyond Blue in memory of Martin Vo, an ex-VSA federal/state member who committed suicide a few years ago. There were a few performances, a raffle, speeches from Martin's fam and girlfriend (everyone was tryna hold back the tears when she spoke) and NO FUCKING ALCOHOL (well you had to buy it which is ceebs). What a wholesome event. I looked like a whale in most photos so yenno lets keep it above the waist :/ I need to lose some weight.
The food was pretty good. It was my first time in Crystal Palace!! The decorations were really nice.

after this photo Jo asked me to swap with her cus she needed to be in the middle to look nice and I agreed so...back to looking like a whale. 
Chilled at Sammy's for a while afterwards. I was soooooooooooooooo bored and getting impatient cus I still had work to prep for tutor but Phuc was driving me home and he was taking his bloody time.

Uhhh I came home from work today at 1:30 pm then I played guitar + piano, watched a few youtube videos, took a nap, then suddenly 12 hours had passed.
stressed because Orphan Black is ending forever tomorrow and I'm not going to be home when it comes out.
So many people on tumblr/twitter are in literal tears because they've devoted so much of their life to this show. Please don't fuck up the ending.

This GOT account I follow is from Australia!! ! therefore there is discourse about the plebiscite popping up on my feed and I'm very grateful (x).

omg cool that really famous indian actress (legit the only one I know) is in Melbourne.

It isn't always better for people to know everything about you. Especially if they don't know you too well it just makes things a bit awkward. Like I'm scared that if I tell people things they'll use it against me in the future.

This girl in my year 9 class keeps giving me attitude like everytime I speak to her she says "ummmmmmm ok?" please don't be like this I am here to help you.