Sunday 13 May 2018

billie eilish & VSA State Ball

you really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes.


Had my histology lab at uni and then Niina helped me get ready in the fucking disabled toilet in CLB for an hour HAHAHHAA it was the jankiest thing ever. We didn't have anywhere to put our stuff because the floor was dirty so we opened the baby nappy changing station and shoved our shit on there. She curled my phresh (i.e. washed) hair and chucked some shit on my face idk and she also lent me her mac lipstick and was like DON'T LOSE IT and like there was so much seriousness in her eyes

Met up with Rika at Central (a fellow PR in state) and we went to QVB tea room together. Met Harry who was also waiting there for Carmen to give us instructions. Then we helped set up and Amy was 
to having a panic attack like there was one point when we were in the lift and her breathing got so so so heavy but she calmed down. It was absolutely frantic we were running up and down from the tea room to the loading dock grabbing flowers, vases and decorations. Had a mini sweatshop AT THE VENUE assembling the centrepieces for the flowers, putting the table cards down, dispersing all the decorations/candles and setting up speakers. We made it in the end though and we all changed then had a briefing before people started arriving. 

HOLY FK ALSO this photographer came and she looked so familiar and I was thinking the whole night where I'd seen her before and then I realised this morning... it was my cousin Yuan's ex girlfriend. 


Was ushering people in and checking what tables they were on. But it was so boring so Carmen and I were just standing and sipping our champagne classes and eating all the canapes that kept passing us. HOLY FK THE MUSHROOM RISOTTO BALLS WERE SO FUCKING GOOD AND THE RAW TUNA SKEWERS ZOMGGGGGGGG heaven on a stick.

Anyway was already tipsy when the speeches started. I was on a table with UNSW+State and it was super chill.
Tastebuds were fading during the entree HAHAHA.

me n the khalid masters <3 
The night slowly descended into madness because VSA + unlimited alcohol... what else do you expect. People were chundering up and down the hallway to the toilet AHHAHAH and keep in mind this is the high tea room in QVB where classy people go and eat tiny fucking cakes and sip tea in the morning. The seccies and waiters were so done with us.
 Took a photobooth because I wanted at least one HAHAHA since I designed it XD
The music was absolutely amazingggg like they basically split it up into sections so there was the pop music, rap, hardstyle and slow dancing songs and o m g I was so sad for about 20 seconds when "Can I have this dance" started to play BECAUSE I HAD NO ONE TO DANCE WITH and all the couples around me were like gazing into each others eyes and doing cute shit XD so I looked around and I saw Yen just sitting and I was like "WHERE'S YOUR BOY" and she was like "I DON'T HAVE ONE" and she was so so so cute we were like "OMG LETS SLOW DANCE TOGETHER" and then we full tried to slow dance but we were pretty shit like we got stuck when we were twirling and it was just a mess but I actually love Yen so much she's so funny. 

holy shit then the hardstyle came on and my feet were hurting so much from the heels so I gave up and changed back into my sneakers and it was the best decision I ever made. I was so into it and was muzzing and shit because too drunk to care. BUT YAH IT WAS SO FUNNNNNNN. First time I got really drunk over wine though and it was a very pleasant experience. 
Olivia Le (Selina's sister) yelled "YOUR HOODIE IS SO CUTE" or something along those lines I really don't remember and I just swooned. 


helped pack up a bit, chilled with Penny Ou in my Honey hoodie at one point and she looked SO. GOOD. omfg I can't even. I wish she was more vain so I could link her insta photos. Apparently when she came up in the lift she was by herself and her boyfriend was waiting in the reception area for her and when the lift opened his jaw just dropped. FUCKING CUTE. 
Winnie and I left to go to Sanct and it was super dead but we laughed because apparently we missed Selz hooking with a random New Zealander guy. 

Then we went back to Airbnb and I legit conked out so quick. didn't actually freeze because I had a towel as a blanket. 

Paul, Amy, Carmen and I checked out in the morning and we went on an adventure in Burwood. They helped me choose some lipsticks for mi mother for mother's day and we went to Xi'an Eatery that had the best fucking thick ass noodles I've ever eaten in my life ITS NOT EVEN A JOKE they were so good. Also had pan fried dumplings (solid 9/10) and this pulled pork belly bun FUCK ME DEAD it was so good. The only thing that wasn't amazing was this friend noodle thing they served in a steamer. It wasn't bad though.

Also lol after we ordered, this chick shoved her ass in my face to get through to the other table and I was like she looks like an LG from the back because she was wearing tights and had like idk just an LG body and she turns around and its Angel Tu HAHHAHAHAHA. Idk what to say to her anymore because we haven't talked in 5eva and its now idk what to ask her about anymore without it seeming like forced a f small talk. 

ANYWAY it was a good few days :) When I got home today I conked out for a few hours. Khalid masters were supposed to hang but didn't end up happening so now I'm just blog blog blogging. I have way too much shit to do in the next two weeks tho. Like 3 birthday parties, 3 assignments and gotta catch up before finals so I don't have to stress as much. BUT FK so ceebs. 

dis bitch is so sad but so pretty

keep getting called out in the group chat for what happened at mardi gras HAHAHHA


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