Tuesday 15 May 2018

loved bad outcomes

my Billie Eilish song of the day

Why? because I learnt to play it on guitar and it also makes no sense at all but its a banger and fits my mood atm. It's about her psychopathic alter ego that kills her lover/all her friends (I'm not entirely sure) and now she feels guilty about it because "now I got a bellyache".


Mother's day at Hotpot City in Bankstown. Would recommend / 10 it was so yummy. I got the tom yum soup and it was like perfect level of spice. I gave my mum the mac lipsticks that I bought for her and she wore one of them to dancing that night XD. She was upset after lunch though because my sister had to leave to see her boyfriend.

Tutored Lily and was just a bit tired.

Then went home and did.... nothing ? Cleaned my room, ate like three different snacks, fed the cat a couple of times just out of boredom, played with the cat and suddenly it was 10. Didn't start doing any work until 11:30 and even then it wasn't really working. Idk just always so unproductive >:(

go ahead and watch my heart burn


got to uni at 9, learnt something from my anat seminar, went to lib to study but it was mostly Khalid Masters just yapping, went to ANAT lab, went back to lib to do assignment, got some food and then had dinner with WIESoc execs, was a bit ceeBs and tired, still tired. 

my work in progress but legit dying because idk what to do with the rest of it... the bottom just looks so nice i don't wanna ruin it. hopefully I will make it nice and the markers will just be like.. looks legit.
just kind of in a depresso mood atm. I was so sad last night at around 2 am because I was watching Youtube videos and reading the comments just made me realise how universal my problem is and how I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. there's literally no solution that ends with me being happy. 


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