Tuesday 8 May 2018

sasha sloan!!!

Why are weekends so unproductive holy shiz ma nizzzzzzz >:( 


Woke up at Amy's house. Had some yummo dumplings her mum made for breakfast. Studied. Slept. Studied. Listened to Amy watch Dance Moms. Went home. Some fatality so trains were hella delayed. Had dinner and a chill night in. Everybody getting so lit at Midnight Mafia and here I was ... watching an ELEC lecture to help me fall asleep. 

this be the photostrip design for Ball. It is ok? I feel bad for Aivi though because Amy Lim asked her to make it before but like she told me to remake it??? SO IDK I feel bad. 


so pretty
Currently watching my cat play with her floof balls. She loves them so much HAHAHA. I don't wanna let her out I want her to just be lazy and sleep whilst I study but she won't do that. Went to Cabra for a shoddy $17 haircut, tutored Lily, had meeting about State Camp for VSA and they kicked on at bingsoo but like I'm too old for that now would prefer to go home and watch the cat. I'm in charge of marketing for camp (duh) HAHAHA and yasss its gonna be fun :) I still haven't made a hoodie design though because ceebs. 
Currently planning a workshop for the WIE PR team tomorrow!! Going to try to teach people how to use Premiere and After Effects despite me having made one video each on them... . . .. WELL they don't need to know that O_O 

why is dis me

also snip snipped my hair before going to teach Lily lel. i lowkey want it shorter


Got to uni at 9 am today. Met up with Niina at ASB breakout space which just turned out to be like the general study area?? Was very weird. ANYWAY, Abe and Riya also showed up but we moved to Civil Design Studio because yeah it was kinda shit. 

We just studied until 2. Taught Naomi and Lehan a bit about Premiere and After Effects and it was bad because their versions were different to mine but nws we got there in the end. Had to go to my eye/ear lab from 2-4 and it was sooooooooooooooo boring. Tried to learn something and kinda did I guess? I don't know lol. 
Billie Eilish is so good what O_O 

CAUGHT UP ON ANAT (ish) lol I have to still cross reference lab notes with my notes ughasdkgfa;sdlfj.

Stayed over at Niina's but we got back to hers at almost 1:30 am lmao 🙃


Got my ELEC midsem back and only got 75/100 when I thought I was going to get at least 80+. SIGHssssss and started studying for it so early as well. This sem is making me reconsider my life.

Had ELEC lab today which Stephen basically did all by himself. He got the super hard questions from the demonstrator too HAHAHA and I was just sitting there like laughing because if I got his questions l a t e r z. We both got 5 though :D. Went back to lib to study with young Yiyi and Niina. Got salad for lunch and now not gna buy any food from uni for the rest of the week because fkn bank account crying. My bank account has legit not moved for a few months now. 

Then had PHSL computer lab which was so dumb. did it all by my lonesone and didn't understand anything so I just clicked random buttons until I finished. Then I had a lonely journey home and idk how I survived in first year doing uni by myself because today has just been so depressing even though I was only by myself for like 4 hours.

I can't be alone anymore I think. 

Sad today and I really don't know why. It wasn't even a bad day. Just a feeling of sadness. and idk how I'm going to survive the rest of my life because idk what makes me happy anymore. Movies used to make me happy but now I get bored so easily. Maybe I'm just depresso over ELEC and thinking about all the work I still have to do for this sem with no guarantee that I'll do well. So fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I'll go make some money now zzzzzzzzzz




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