Wednesday 16 May 2018

lips meat teeth & tongue

Dear diary, i looked at a lot of depresso memes today to make myself giggle. I felt better. Bye for now, Serena. 

my Billie Eilish song of the day

there are no lips meeting here except for my upper and lower so uhhhh guess I'll just eat my chicken and call it a day


Got to uni at 10, studied for my PHSL lab and tried to read my ELEC lab but couldn't make sense of it. Went to ELEC lab with Stephen where we struggled so so so hard. We kind of learnt something I guess?? We didn't finish but we have next week's lab to finish as well so it should be ok :) plus we have someone else's complete lab to copy

Then went down to VSA food event with Niina and Sarah and idk it was just kinda weird vibes like all the PRs were all working really hard and no one seemed like they wanted to chat so I felt low key cut but then found out later that night that it was a really badly organised event and like so much stuff went wrong and people were crying and shit SO YEAH. Their milk tea was good tho

Saw Lizzie and Lianne for a bit,  went back to lib before we had to leave for our PHSL lab. Niina was doing her comp lab at the same time as I was doing my real lab so we could walk up to Wallace Wurth together for once 
OMG PHSL LAB WAS SO SOSOSOSOSOSOOOOO FUN. It sounds super fucked but we had to dissect an alive frog!!! Like it was under so much anaesthesia that it couldn't feel a thing though. I was doing the dissecting and I was so squeamish at the beginning but after I made the first cut...
Had to snip snip the skin, then the muscle, then scrounge around in its insides to find the lung, bladder and mesentery to examine under the microscope. Since the frog was still alive, you could literally see the blood flowing in the arteries/veins. OMG and we went up to 40 x and you could see the individual red blood cells flowing in the capillaries. I was so shooketh. We popped the bladder to try and see the spiral vessels (we could not), then the demonstrator dropped some adrenaline on the frog and the walls of the vessels in the mesentery full constricted so the blood would flow slower. IT WAS SO FUCKING COOL. We also had to cut the femoral artery in the frog's leg to make it bleed out and examine what effect that had on the blood flow. 

BUT NAH THE COOLEST PART WAS WHEN WE SAW THE HEART OH MY. Everytime it beat it would fill up with blood and the colour would completely change. I WAS SO SHOOKETH. I saw an artery on the side of the frog's chest cavity so I was like hmmm its already dead let me just nick it real quick and fk THE WHOLE FROG FILLED UP WITH BLOOD it was whack. I also had to cut the heart out of the frog and it was so creepy it just kept beating for the longest time. You could also feel how hard it was constricting everytime cus it would legit pinch the glove. 

ANYWAY, I'm loving phsl XD. 

Went back to the lib where I finally finished my group assignment. (WELL ALMOST LOL I STILL NEED TO ADD REFERENCES but holy fk so happy with it). Will add shadows n shit as it gets closer to the date.
Bought shit strawberry milk tea from chemist, a cheese toastie from subway (most worth thing ever can I just say) and then stayed in the library until 2 am but didn't do any work because so much drama happening in VSA atm HAHAHA and I was living for it. 

oh my god when we ubered back to Niina's house our leb uber driver was listening to "Trance Radio" so I remembered at VSA State Ball, everyone was muzzing in the high tea room and like I told Niina and then the driver turns around and starts talking to us about raves n shit. Then just as we're about to get out of the car, he goes, "do you guys take any pills? Or M?" AND WE'RE TRYING SO HARD NOT TO LAUGH we just say "nope haha we just stick to alcohol xD"


GOT TO UNI SUPER DUPER LATE TODAY AT A WHOPPING 12PM!!! Studied with Jo (who I lowkey miss just hanging out with) in matsci for a solid 6 hours today but I really did about 1 hour of work in total because Yiyi came and she was in the yapping mood then Niina returned from her marathon of meetings and she was also in a very ceebs mood. Took multiple breaks to go GYG and IGA. Tried burrito bowl which was b a n g i n g, and nachos which were... not great. 


Then went boxing which was super fun today. We did so many drills n shit and we met these two girls who are equally as shit as us so we didn't have to spar with as many of the Big Boys

ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE BOXING SOMETIMES HAHAHA. Now on the way home :) IM SO HAPPY TODAY IDK my fkn moods are like alternating all the time idk ONE DAY HAPPY ONE DAY SAD YAY! 

also niina and I were legit matching on the way to boxing cus I had to borrow her leggings and she was wearing similar shoes hahah
(or i could become vego but ceebs?? guess my heart will have to just skip eight beats at once hmm)


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