Monday 21 May 2018

Rivers and Roads

- kehlani


Finished my MMAN assignment. It took so long and was so aids that I didn't go back to edit my working out and shit so I may lose marks for skipping steps but I was way too ceebs. Handed it in at around 7 pm when it was due at 12. Record? 

Then I caught up on ANAT, and watched 1.5 PHSL lectures. BUT i kept taking breaks to look at the photos from Jo's party. I legit don't remember taking over 90% of them. In my snapstory, you can hear Selz in the background going "can you wipe the cake off her eyebrow" and Stephen took a photo of this exact moment HAHAHA
Called it a night.


Woke up late today to Dalz message being like who needs a ride to uni and I thought she left already but she didn't so I GOT A RIDE!! We got to uni in legit 40 minutes it was so quick. 

Went to matsci for 5 mins to say hi to VSA people, then Penny Lane to chill with Anthony and Niina for a bit. Then ELEC computer labs with Amy and Stephen to finish our lab from last week. Then ANAT lab where we did muscles but I literally had no idea what was going on so tbh it was kind of a waste. 

Then back to lib. Niina and I went to buy naan and it was legit the fluffiest cheese naan we've ever had z o m g SO GOOOOOOD. 

BESS Industry Night

Headed to BESS industry night at Cicada Innovations and just listened to music on the bus and in the freezing cold when we were waiting for our bus transfer. Reminisced about Don't Forget by Demi Lovato what a banger.

Lol I already knew I was too chicken shit to actually network before I arrived and so was Niina but she really wanted to talk to "Nigel" so when Akshin asked her to serve alcohol I just took her spot so she could go do a round. It was really chill though I met the 4th year rep and got to talk to Justin a bit more who is super friendly. He was like .... "so what exactly did you see at BESS Camp" and I was like, "too much". Feels bad for him because all his friends keep giving him shit for it. 
Jason and Jasmine were also just walking around aimlessly. I SAW SO MANY PEOPLE FROM MY ANAT LAB THERE OMG it was weird. BUT KINDA NICE!! All the BIOM kids this sem are doing the same subjects so I can actually identify people doing my degree now.

Didn't expect to get lit but I kept drinking champagne and it got me a bit buzzed. By the end of the night, Niina and I ended up playing drunk ping pong and litly washing the dishes in the girl's bathroom.


my brain motherfucking knows that I have fucked the fuck up

now I am back to being quite sober again but being the weak bitch I was when I was lit, I really wanted to kick-on

NO serina don't be dumb


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