Thursday 10 May 2018

I don't want to be an island

I am a bad person :(


After tutoring, studied a bit for ANAT whilst video calling Niina. Cat was so hyped yesterday like she kept attacking the floof ball. Had to just stop studying and watch her.

Then Selz came over at 1 am (literally) and we looked at Twitter memes for an hour. Went to sleep hehe and she was just on the floor but I didn't feel bad at all XD. She's so low maintenance. 


idk why I came to uni today. Woke up at 8 to let Selina out cus Khang was outside to pick her up to go fry spring rolls at Phuc's house. So funny cus Khang woke us up so she said "WTF gimme 10 minutes to brush my teeth and change" and then she went back to sleep for 10 minutes and just like jumped up and left without getting ready. SO WEIRD.

Slept in, rocked up to uni and had some spring rolls from VSA. Hung around with Jason Phu for so so so long before we went up to lib to "study". I have been on twitter/tumblr for so long and don't feel like doing anything today. Currently sitting in Niina's materials lecture which is thoroughly entertaining.
Went back to lib to study for da longest time. skipped boxing this week because ceebs. Brenda was studying with us as well hahaha and she was struggling with the stupid management essay that the entire world was doing.

Doctor Strange is so fucking oP

I want to see Disobedience and Miseducaiton of Cameron Post so bad but haksdfja;kvm;ek its literally smack bang in the middle of finals. Last year I didn't give a fuck and went to watch them anyway but I don't think I should do that... BUT ITS DISOBEDIENCE HELLOOOOOOOO


Chilled at Whitehouse with events team again then went to matsci to study. Saw Selz and Dalz being stressed and shit. Had a marketing meeting with Precious and tbh idk what I'm doing hAHAHAH because I have to market charity ball to the general public as well, not just VSA teams so I'm a bit errrrrrr. Have to somehow bait old people from Cabramatta to come???

ANYWAY, it was fine but like I'm just a bit ceebs having to plan this all. I'm a soldier not a general o k. Sat in on Niina and Anthony's materials lecture again but then halfway through my stomach just like started churning and I had to get up to shit and it legit came out like lava. fkn dying. 
Someone in the front row asked me if I did materials science because he'd been seeing me around so much hahahahhaha h ahhah aaaaa
Had my anatomy class & quiz which I got fucking 4/6 for UGHHGHGHGH SO TRIGGERED why do I never get 100%?!?!?!?!! Then met up with Niina who just finished her lecture and we were both in the most ceebs mood. We managed to procrastinate for an entire hour by like buying food then returning then realising we wanted more food so leaving to buy it again. We got naan, chocolate from WHS Smith, looked at memes, did stupid shit idk it was just so funny. Amy joined us and Niina went back to studying but I legit did about 10 mins of Project work then went back on tumblr/twitter. Amy made me watch a bit of dance moms which I'll admit is actually pretty juicy. Everyone on that show is crazy tho. Can't believe they are real.

in the best mood rn and I know exactly why and I know exactly when this mood will end I'm just like waiting for that one thing to trigger me BECAUSE it lowkey triggered me today but thank fk it didn't last that long.
this is the funniest shit


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